The Hurt Locker: Iron Rations – A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part II

Guest Post by S. A. Fisher Continuing my post from before, I have some more goodies for the inquiring delver! Staples More seasoned adventurers will skip the expense and novelty of the iron rations and so forth and simply buy food in bulk. Adventurers can certainly get by on iron ration levels of food for […]

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The Hurt Locker: Iron Rations – A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part I

Guest Post by S. A. FisherFor many dungeon delvers, the goal is simple: kick in the door, fight the monster, and loot the room. Rinse and repeat. For them, a week’s worth of “iron rations” and a water skin is more than enough detail to account for how they survive on their adventures outside of […]

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The Hurt Locker: Tangler Pistol

So recently someone posted about the “goo guns” from the Incredibles on the forums. Since that is one of my favorite superhero flicks of all time I decided to poke at the idea of building a “goo gun” using metatronic generators. New Binding ModifiersFirst, some new modifiers for Binding (p. B40): Cosmic, Enhanced Layering: This Cosmic […]

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The Hurt Locker: Spoiled and Rurnt

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and realistically – which After the End is not – batteries, ammo, etc. would have spoiled a long while back. Batteries will likely last twenty years at most and that’s being optimistic. Gunpowder eventually does go bad. MREs eventually go bad. Everything eventually becomes spoiled or […]

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