I’m a firm believer in “Say what you want, when you want,” but I’m also a firm believer in Wheaton’s law; that is, don’t be a dick. Any comments that are abusive, obscene, illegal, or libelous are going to be deleted. Feel free to criticize, debate, or otherwise be contentious with my material or posts – more viewpoints are a good thing! – but if you troll, you’re going to get banned from my blog. Additionally, while I’d prefer you to comment under
your name or a nom de plume, anonymous comments are fine, as long as they don’t violate any of the above. If I can’t tell from your post if you’re actually trolling, being abusive, etc. – you guessed it, deletion. Basically, keep it civil (and legal!) and we’re all good.
your name or a nom de plume, anonymous comments are fine, as long as they don’t violate any of the above. If I can’t tell from your post if you’re actually trolling, being abusive, etc. – you guessed it, deletion. Basically, keep it civil (and legal!) and we’re all good.
Links to objectionable websites are unacceptable except in the proper context of a discussion thread and may be redacted. Comments linking to sites of an illegal nature or containing threats of physical harm or verbal abuse to others will be
deleted and the commenter permanently banned from posting on this site.
deleted and the commenter permanently banned from posting on this site.
Furthermore, if I screw something up, let me know. I’ll fix it, and you’ll have my thanks. Finally, I reserve the right to use any comment posted on this site in any manner that I like (with proper attribution of course). Anyways, be excellent to one another, that’s all I ask.