Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Short Sharp Shocks

Guest Post by J. Edward Tremlett #1: The Institute (File Under: Aliens; Demons; Fae; Secret Government Projects; Sorcery) Not everyone knows about the Institute, but everyone knows their handiwork. Because everyone knows at least one kid who just changed, seemingly overnight. One day they were super-interested in something – or had a real talent for […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: The Plague City

Guest Post by S. A. Fisher Most people fled from cities infected with the bubonic plague. For instance, Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron revolves around the storytelling of survivors who fled Florence, Italy during its plague years. Player characters, however, may have business inside a plague city. How do you handle that? Mashup GURPS Bio-Tech and […]

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