I figured I should probably start doing a monthly update on Patreon as part of my “new plan” so that’s what I’m going to do. But today is Independence Day in the USA and I’m going to spend it with my family.
I still want to go through the plan with my $5 and up Patrons first so this might be a while before it’s updated – overall I think I’m going in the right direction. I fully intend to release (for everyone) one past Patron Special at a predetermined rate and time (and possibly voted on by the current list of patrons – we’ll see). Other stuff to come.
I figured I’d go ahead and throw this up as a placeholder for now and I’ll reorder my thoughts later on.
Authorial Highlights
- I finished Pyramid articles for Monster Hunters, Thaumatology, Deep Space, and Combat. I’ve submitted the first two to Steven and the latter two are being tinkered with by myself at the moment. This leaves only Combat, Hot Spots and Locations, Action, Alternate GURPS, and After the End – all of which I have ideas for or partially completed items. I also started work on an article that has no current theme, but I felt I needed to write. My goal is to have at least three more articles submitted this month and I’m well on my way there.
- I was in the first ever Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game theme of Pyramid. I’m pretty proud of that.
- It was announced that Jason “PK” Levine and I wrote the new Traps supplement for Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. WOOT! So proud of this – my first kickstarter.
- Something else happened I can’t talk about yet.
Blog Highlights
- I started work on my lengthy blog topics file. It has 54 entries and I’ve trimmed it down to 41. I want to write about all of those topics before soliciting for more from readers.
- I started work on the beginnings of my plan to revamp the blog. So far what I’m hearing from people is “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAN, MAKE IT BLACK AND GREY NOT BLACK AND WHITE.”
- I did some sketches of the new icons and such I want for the blog. I’m happy with most of the headers, but I’m liable to change the Gamemaster’s Guidepost. It never did sit right with me how it looked.
Patreon Highlights
- I began looking over my plans on what exactly I wanted to do for my Patreon revamp.
- I got 3 new patrons in June and $18 of additional pledges for Patreon.
- I rewrote my summary on Patreon and added a few things. I’ll likely rewrite it again when I do the Patreon revamp.
Miscellaneous Related News
- I began work on a fiction peice I’d like to self-publish later this year.
- My mother is much better and recovering rapidly so I’ve got some free time back. I still need to help her with things, but she’s coming right along.
So happy to hear about your mother, by the way.
Also: looking forward to "Traps"!
Thanks! Me too. Hopefully, many others will like Traps as well. 🙂