The bastard offspring of Grendel, grindylow can be found anywhere there is water. They appear in English folklore, but have long since spread outward and onward ever seeking new homes and new folks to devour. They have spindly limbs, extremely sharp teeth, and dangerous claws. The4y have the natural ability to blend into any water […]
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Triple Threat: Colotlokichtli
Colotlokichtli is not technically a creature of Aztec myth, more it’s a salute to something that could have been. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingTriple Threat: Kuchedra
Kulchedra are my itnereptation of a native Albanion monster sometimes called Kulsedra. She is nominally a unique demon of sorts so I instead opted to create her offspring that can be used to challenge your PCs. Here’s my interpretation of them for GURPS. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Byakhee
I didn’t get introduced to Lovecraft until I started gaming, but I’ve loved the Mythos from that point on. Here’s my interpretation of the byakhee for GURPS… . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingTriple Threat: Rawhead and Bloody Bones
I grew up with a grandfather who told me stories from his youth. Nothing scared me quite like the legend of Bloody Bones. Here’s my interpretation of them for GURPS . . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Deep Ones
Deep ones are a staple of Mythos stories and games. First mentioned in the Shadow over Innsmouth they’ve been terrorizing readers and gamers alike. Here’s my interpretation of them for GURPS… . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingTriple Threat: Dybbuk
The dybbuk of Jewish folklore is a cruel possessing spirit that is the soul of someone who has not gone on to its afterlife or who is refusing to be reincarnating. They typically haunt their families but this is not always the case. Ousting a dybbuk usually requires a rabi or holy person who effectively […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings V
And here is the final post of this part of the series featuring the minor, but important supernatural races. Bloodline Carrier Bloodlines are extremely important in Ceteri and there are numerous types. Example include the Bloodline of Solomon, Lilith (who got around), Cain, Able, and others. Being the child of a small-g god also counts here. Being […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings III
Today’s post is going to be about spirits, the restless dead, and faeries. Spirits Spirits or “inbetweeners” comprise of things like ghosts (the psychic/spiritual remains of a dead being, typically humans), tulpas (thought forms), poltergeists (animate psychic energy), and similiar beings. All spirits live in the ethereal plane aka Between. Some groups are broken up […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings II
Today’s post is about the werewolves, vampires, and succubi of the Ceteri setting. These monsters make up part of the “core” of civilized supernatural beings and can be found in most cities or towns. The Forsaken One of the largest and most organized groups of nonhumans, the Forsaken refers to vampires, werewolves, succubi, and nephilim that are […]
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