Dungeon Fantastic: GURPS 101: Avoiding Combat Analysis-Paralysis in G…

Dungeon Fantastic: GURPS 101: Avoiding Combat Analysis-Paralysis in G…: (Go read the rest on Peter’s blog! He’s got helpful links too). As Douglas Cole pointed out with our fighters in Swords & Wizardry,there aren’t a lot of options to choose from. As a result, we don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure out […]

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Reblog – Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentoring Group

Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentor…: +Christopher R. Rice  and I sat down briefly to discuss a mutual project of ours, that he nonetheless originated, championed, and for lack of a better word, chairs. Pyramid Magazine can a tough magazine for which to write. GURPS formats are intensely technical, and the Steve […]

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