Reblog – Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentoring Group

Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentor…: +Christopher R. Rice  and I sat down briefly to discuss a mutual project of ours, that he nonetheless originated, championed, and for lack of a better word, chairs.

Pyramid Magazine can a tough magazine for which to write. GURPS formats are intensely technical, and the Steve Jackson Games style guide somewhat opaque. Tack onto that the fact that game writing is technical writing, and what more you have to have a good idea, organize it well, and carry it off with the written word with sufficient panache to entice the reader onward, well, one has a job of work ahead of him.

Please forgive my current writing style. I have been immersed in +Steven Brust‘s Viscount of Adrilankha series just a moment ago, and his Paarfisms have infected my prose.

So, shall I continue? I very much think I shall.


To the meat of it, then: we recorded a short, shall we say, Public Service Announcement, where we discussed some of the particulars of the group, what he’s trying to accomplish, and why.

You can find the interview at my YouTube Channel, as well as by clicking the link below.

Eventually Christopher will provide a transcript, as he often does. The sound isn’t very good this time, however. I blame myself – I seem to often have this problem of late when I don’t use headphones.

If you’re interested in developing your skills with the goal of writing for Pyramid (and eventually e23 should you prove to enjoy the process and be successful at it), you may contact him at

(The latest from +Douglas Cole’s Fire Squad..and yes. I’ll have a transcription up soon, holidays have been hectic)

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