Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part III

And the final in my installment for Diablo II’s Necromancer. my “conversion” of the Diablo II Necromancer’s skills. Lastly: Poison and Bone! Poison and Bone Most of the spells and abilities listed here involve  inflicting poison damage or conjuring bone constructs. Teeth Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter. Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Small Piercing (Cone, 3 […]

Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part II

I’m continuing my “conversion” of the Diablo II Necromancer’s skills. Next up: Curses! Curses Most of the spells and abilities listed here involve weakening your target’s body and mind. Amplify Damage and is not here because my version of that actually made it into GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic (p. 35). Dim Vision Spell Effects: […]

Boil and Bubble: Rituale Romanum Path/Book Magic

Path/Book magic is one of those more interesting magic systems in GURPS and like most interesting things it’s hard to design more material for. The original designer wasn’t looking for anything but spells created by authorial or GM fiat. Unfortunately, since the original parameters were known to the original designer it makes designing new stuff […]

Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Intrinsic Magic

In The Chronicles of Ceteri magic is broken up into two forms: extrinsic magic and intrinsic magic. Extrinsic magic is essentially ritual path magic, while intrinsic magic (often called “rote magic”) encompasses everything else. This includes racial magical powers, chi skills, imbuements, logos (magical words of power), and wyrdling aptitudes (the ability to perform a specific […]