Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part III

And the final in my installment for Diablo II’s Necromancer. my “conversion” of the Diablo II Necromancer’s skills. Lastly: Poison and Bone!

Poison and Bone

Most of the spells and abilities listed here involve  inflicting poison damage or conjuring bone constructs.

Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Small Piercing (Cone, 3 yards).
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual conjures a series of teeth that injure targets within a 3 yard cone (see Area and Spreading
, p. B413), inflicted 6d of small piercing damage.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Damage, External Small Piercing 6d (Cone, 3 yards, +70%) (16). 66 energy (22×3).

Bone Armor
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Damage Resistance (Force Field; Semi-Ablative).
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual conjures a mass of whirling bone granting the subject DR 5 with the Force Field and Semi-Ablative options. This lasts until the DR is gone or 10 minutes have passed, whichever occurs first.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Altered Traits, Damage Resistance 5 (Force Field, +20%; Semi-Ablative, -20%) (25) + Duration, 10 minutes (1). 66 energy (22×3).

Poison Dagger
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Toxic (Follow-Up).
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual gives a weapon of the caster’s choosing weighing no more than 10 lbs a 3d toxic follow-up. This last for the next hour.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Damage, External Toxic 3d (Follow-Up, +0%) (0) + Duration, 1 hour (3). 27 energy (9×3).

Corpse Explosion
Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy + Lesser Transform Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Fragile (Combustible; Explosive; Flammable).
Greater Effects: 0 (x1).

This ritual causes a corpse weighing up to 300 lbs. to explode in a mass of charred flesh and fire doing damage to those nearby. To determine how much damage is done use the body’s base HP and the following formula: 6dx(HP/10) crushing explosion. This attack is capable of starting fires just as if it had the Incendiary modifier.

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (5) + Lesser Transform Matter (8) + Altered Traits, Fragile (Combustible; Explosive; Flammable) (6). 19 energy (19×1).

Bone Wall, Bone Prison
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Damage, Crushing (Wall, Rigid).
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual conjures a massive wall of bones and fossilized remains that are pulled from the nearby area. The wall is 15 yards long by 5 yards wide. Each yard of wall has DR 27, HP 5, and counts as a hard surface for any being that collides with it. The Bone Prison spell adds the Shapeable Wall enhancement increase cost to 90 energy. This allows the caster to imprison targets within it (at least until they do enough damage to break out).

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Area of Effect, 5 yards (4) + Damage, Crushing 9d (Wall, Rigid, +30%) (14). 72 energy (24×3).

Poison Explosion
Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy + Lesser Transform Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Fragile (Combustible; Explosive; Flammable).
Greater Effects: 0 (x1).

This ritual causes a corpse weighing up to 300 lbs. to explode in a mass of charred flesh and fire doing damage to those nearby. To determine how much damage is done use the body’s base HP and the following formula: 3dx(HP/10) toxic damage that lingers for 10 seconds and affects all within a 2 yard radius of the body.

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (5) + Lesser Transform Matter (8) + Altered Traits, Fragile (Combustible; Explosive; Flammable*) (6). 19 energy (19×1).
* Swapping damage from crushing explosion to a poison cloud is effectively a 0-point feature.

Bone Spear
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Impaling.
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual conjures a spear made of bone that does 3d impaling damage.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Damage, External Impaling 3d (0). 18 energy (6×3).

Poison Nova
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect + Damage, External Toxic.
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual does 15d toxic damage to anyone within 5 yards of the caster.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Area of Effect, 5 yards (4) + Damage, External Toxic 12d (12). 66 energy (22×3).

Bone Spirit
Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter.
Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Piercing (Homing, Detect Supernatural Beings or Life).
Greater Effects: 1 (x3).

This ritual conjures a spirit that attacks a specific target following him (see Homing Weapons, p. B412) even if he tries to run away. When it hits it inflicts 6d of piercing damage. Use the caster’s Path of Matter skill to lock onto a target.

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Damage, External Piercing 6d (Homing, Detect Supernatural Beings or Life, +76%) (19). 75 energy (25×3).

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