Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – April 2019


Authorial Highlights

  • I reorganized GURPS SNO-51 and added several missing things reviewers noted. I also added a running example that seems to be working quite well for reviewers. The reorg took me about a week to do right and the example helped a LOT there. I’m almost at wordcount – which isn’t great because I still need to add some more examples.
  • I answered some questions about Calypso-4’s two turned in adventures. J. Edward Tremlett is still working on adventure number 3 and is almost there. We did an outline this time and that’s seemed to help quite a bit. We’re still shooting for an August 1 finish date for all files turned into Gaming Ballistic even though we have more time than that.
  • I signed another contract for a project doing something I’ve never done before. This could be very useful to me in the future assuming I do it right. I’m calling this “Silver-Tango.”
  • My GURPS Monster Hunters item has been revised and sent in for its final checks and editing.
  • I currently have four outstanding contracts: SNO-51, the GURPS Monster Hunters item, Silver-Tango, and Calypso-4; the latter is 40% of the way fulfilled.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 1 per week – other projects have taken their time. I’d like to remedy this this month.
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.


Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for April. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained three new patrons this month – we’re trending upward and onward.
  • I released part one of a three part story I wrote for a collection that got bounced. Putting a lot of my old fiction on Patreon is helping build my confidence in a big way.
  • Looks like another Boil and Bubble is on its way to be released this month from April. Y’all like that magic stuff it seems.
  • Patreon remained mostly on the schedule I created.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • Sigh. I ended up helping with the pool and I’ll be working on the deck too I guess. So much for me doing enough.
  • Still looking at pieces and parts for a new computer. Definitely going desktop this time.
  • The writing block schedule has been a godsend. I’m going to drop it down to 9 hours this month and see how that goes. Fine tuning this is a big part of staying active with my work.
  • We’re still playing AEON and B-Team is back like it was never gone. C-Team is causing me some frustration for lots of reasons (none of them player related) and I might just reboot that team with new characters. Still, I’m going to try and go with it for now.
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