Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – August 2023


Authorial Highlights

  • I am still considering what long form fiction thing I want to write.
  • I signed a big contract for something I can’t reveal. Not even giving it a nickname yet.
  • GURPS Whatchamacallit has been revealed to be “GURPS Meta-Tech” in the latest update of the GURPS News. It is in the hands of Steve Jackson Games to go through it’s first edit.
  • The Fantasy Trip Quick Quest “The Gallery of Hands” remains in the hands of Steve Jackson.
  • My article for Hexagram for The Fantasy Trip is in the hands of Steve Jackson Game
  • GURPS Visage-22 has been in my hands, I’ve done my part for it, and is now back with my co-author for some revisions. Then it’s back to me for editing and a final formatting check before we send it off no later than the end of October.
  • I’m now the social media manager for Haptic and while it still involves me working their blog up with goodies I’m also going to be working on their social media and doing community outreach. Really excited for this. I just got trained on their blogging platform and should be able to do all that on my own now to let the rest of the company concentrate on making the company software unbeatable.
  • I currently have five outstanding contracts: ???, a Hexagram article, a TFT Quick Quest, GURPS Visage-22, and GURPS Whatchamacallit aka GURPS Meta-Tech.
  • Total wordcount for August was 33,933 words – I met my goal even though the writing was a bit sporadic. To much random research and non-writing so I can write work.
  • I’m guessing about 35,000 words for September.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 3-4 per week. I’m back baby!
  • Working on doing a facelift for the blog. Still not completely satisfied with it at the moment.
  • Wrote a handful entries.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for the month. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained 2 patrons and lost 2 patrons.
  • No fiction again.
  • Get the Patreon Specials for September here.
  • Get the September FREE SPECIAL here.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • Aeon is nearing its end and we have not gotten to play as much as I would like thanks to illness, should be able to wrap up the arc nicely though. If not. I will push back the new campaign till I can.
  • I have continued to work on my new campaign – Aersalus. It’s about 80% done with the required player-facing material and maybe 35% done with the bible as a whole. So far wordcount for it is 100,964 and total estimated wordcount will be about 289,000 or so.
  • I continue my learning in the Virginia Board of Workforce Development program. I’m now into Phase Three. Still on that pause though.
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