Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – December 2018


Authorial Highlights

  • My Pyramid article “Chevaliers and Commanders” (originally titled Cavaliers and Commanders”) was published in Pyramid #3/122: All Good Things.
  • My other Pyramid article “Native American Crusaders” was published in the same issue. This, along with the small box in GURPS Monster Hunters 6: Holy Hunters was part of my short contract I hinted at earlier.
  • My final tally for Pyramid: I have written 66 articles over the course of 122 issues – about 54% of all issues – as of this month. Each of my articles is about 6,000 words each (I had some massive ones that jacked up my 5,000 word baseline). I’ve written about 400,000 words total. That’s…a bit. I was honestly hoping for more though.
  • GURPS Monster Hunters 6: Holy Hunters got released – I had a small contribution to it and playtested it quite a bit. Sigh. I’m going to miss PK’s work a lot.
  • My non-GURPS project has been sent off to the publisher and is finished. VERY happy that’s off my plate. It was eating my brain.
  • I began brainstorming some more on my bigger GURPS project (which I’m going to call “SNO-51” from now on) and doing some more outline work. Lots of red string. Lots of index cards. I think it’ll prove rather interesting to some gamers.
  • I currently have two outstanding contracts: SNO-51 and the GURPS Monster Hunters item.
  • I’m looking over some old notes for possible Pyramid articles to see what I can use for a book; everything else is going to go to the blog or Patreon.
  • I have 86 Pyramid article worthy topics in various stages of completion (though at least first draft worthy for 3/4 of them). Separating them is proving difficult and like above they will be going to my blog or to Patreon.

Blog Highlights

  • Posting was halted in the latter half of December because I got very ill and couldn’t really get out of bed, much less post on a blog.
  • I swear I’m going to get some design specs on headers. *mutters*
  • The primer posts for the Chronicles of Ceteri seem to be going quite well. I’ve got five posts just on the history of the campaign. It’ll likely take another five to get through paranormal creatures and forces and another one or two to wrap everything up.


Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for December. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained a new high-tier patron this month.
  • Still considering how to make use of Patreon’s new system for releasing tiered pledges.
  • I want to be more involved with Patrons on the site. Look for more posts from me there.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • The home repairs continue and my writing time remains way less than what I’d like. 🙁
  • I was extremely ill in the latter half of the month and am still recovering even now. I guess catching five different infections will do that to you.
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