Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – December 2020


Authorial Highlights

  • GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ??? aka Marl Ankh-3 is now in my hands with comments from Sean. I wasn’t able to get to start on this because personal life intervened. I plan to go head down in January and get it done.
  • GURPS Realm Management aka SNO-51 is in the hands of SJGames. It has had it’s final editorial review and is in production for layout with Nikki.
  • Nordlond Nibelung aka Nordlond Magic Items – is still being stewed upon.
  • Calypso-4 is 2/3rds of the way done and is in the hands of Doug.
  • I currently have six outstanding contracts: GURPS Realm Management, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ???, Calypso-4 (Roc of Sages, The Catacombs of Living Death, and The Sunken Library), and Nibelung (Nordland Magic Items).

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 1-2 per week.
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for December. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained lost one patron and gained none.
  • I remain aware COVID-19 is impacting some folks ability to pledge and I hold no grudges if you have to cancel. Believe me, I know all about tightening the belt. For those who stay – thank you. You make writing a possible thing for me.
  • Still using a voting mechanic for Patreon Specials – still not getting more than 30% to 45% of patrons to vote. Still no idea how to increase that. Ideas welcome
  • No fiction was released during December. 🙁

Miscellaneous Related News

  • My wuxia fantasy campaign, “Ten Thousand Jade Petals” continues at a pace. The players really like it and hopefully we’ll see a finish for Season 1 next year.
  • My personal life imploded at the end of November. If you want to read about it check out my Twitter. It remains an unexploded bomb we’re trying to fix.
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