Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – February 2024


Authorial Highlights

  • I have settled on what form of fiction I want to write, but I need to consider it some and do some preliminary outlining.
  • GURPS Meta-Tech” aka GURPS Whatchamacallit  is out of playtest and now in revision. There were about 1300 emails total for the book which is looking to be about 30,000 words (or 38 pages). That’s about 35 emails per page. That is a HUGE number. Also, the emails were not just a sentence or a paragraph. I had some excellent breakdowns and suggestions on things. We wibbled and wobbled a bit on some stuff, but the book is so much better for the playtest. It was the best playtest I’ve had as an author and maybe any I’ve ever participated in.
  • The Fantasy Trip Quick Quest “The Gallery of Hands” remains in the hands of Steve Jackson.
  • My article for Hexagram for The Fantasy Trip is going to be in issue #12. The kickstarter is over, but they are open to late pledges still. Go grab a copy!
  • GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire” aka GURPS Visage-22 is in the hands of Steve Jackson Games.
  • Haptic releases are now on Fridays and we’re working to restructure the social media release aspect. We’re also getting ready for Palworld!
  • I currently have three outstanding contracts: a TFT Quick Quest, GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire, and GURPS Meta-Tech.
  • Total wordcount for February was 26,740 words – I met my goal (somehow) given that I was also “real-time” revising GURPS Meta-Tech
  • I’m guessing about 20,000 words for March 2024.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 2-3 per week. Lots of recaps still.
  • Wrote a handful entries.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon was on time last month.
  • Gained 4 members, lost 3. Enen-ish out as always.
  • No fiction again.
  • See the Patreon Schedule for March.
  • Get the Patreon Specials for March here.
  • Get the March FREE SPECIAL here (forthcoming).

Miscellaneous Related News

  • AEON’s end was…messy. I am not proud of it. Will eventually do a postmortem.
  • I continue to tighten the Aersalus bible and add bits and bobs.
  • Put aside my FF6 replay for a bit. Too much work to do.
  • I continue my learning in the Virginia Board of Workforce Development program. I’m now into Phase Three. Still on that pause though.
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