Authorial Highlights
- GURPS SNO-51 is not only out of the freezer it has been submitted. It’s out of my hands for now.
- The work on Calypso-4 aka “Five
FourPerilous Journeys” continues. I really love the artwork Doug has gotten for it. The work on Adventure #4 continues and hopefully we’ll be done with that by mid-August. Due to my own setbacks and my computer breaking we’ve had to move back the finish date from August to October. Always plan ahead and finish early when possible, folks, because sometimes you just get a bad hand. - GURPS Monster Hunters: Power-Ups 1 was published! You can read about it here on the forums, on my blog, or buy it here.
- I have submitted a proposal for another project. Too early to give it a name or anything like that. But it is something I’ve written before and want to expand on.
- I currently have two outstanding contracts: SNO-51 and Calypso-4; the latter is 60% of the way fulfilled.
Blog Highlights
- Blog entries have been around 2 per week – still not at 3 per week as I’d like.
- Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.
Patreon Highlights
- Patreon remained on track for June. Still releasing them to schedule.
- I gained three patrons – one $50, one $5, and one $1. I had two patrons modify their pledges downward. I don’t want to start trending down again and my plans to
- I released a short story – more like flash fiction – set in my AEON universe. I was pretty happy with it..
- Since we fell below the rerelease of a past special every month I didn’t release anything. This month we’ll have a poll deciding what to toss up for September.
Miscellaneous Related News
- My goal of waiting till Black Friday for getting parts for a new desktop computer failed when my laptop started dying (power issues and what I think may have been a failing video card.) Sigh. Without some wonderful folks donating money I would not have been able to have a working machine and without a working machine there is no working Christopher. I’ve said it several times before and I’ll say it again: Thank you. All of you. <3
- All hail the writing block schedule.
- Gaming is was detoured by technical difficulties last week for B-Team (after two good sessions) and for C-Team due to everyone have a sick/stomach bug.