Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – July 2021


Authorial Highlights

  • GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ??? aka Marl Ankh-3 is fully in the hands of SJGames and is now on the current playtest queue. It should be up next which means probably September unless the previous playtest is short.
  • Nibelung aka Nordlond Magic Items – is still being stewed upon.
  • The 2021 PDF Challenge Kickstarter successfully funded, including my book: How to Be a GURPS GM: High-Powered Origins aka Invincible-13.
  • I currently have two outstanding contracts: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ??? and Nibelung.
  • I wrote up a outline for a new new GURPS proposal. We’ll see how that goes when I submit a query.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 0 per week. There is still too much going on. 🙁
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble. This is still being worked on behind the scenes, it’s just taking some time.
  • Working on doing a facelift for the blog. Gonna roll that out as soon as I’m satisfied.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for August. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I lost one patron.  I gained four new patrons.
  • Still using a voting mechanic for Patreon Specials – still not getting more than 30% to 45% of patrons to vote. Still no idea how to increase that.
  • My “monthly goals and rewards” for my blog/Patreon weren’t posted for July. Too much to do and I honestly forgot.
  • No fiction was released during July either, the trend still did not end. Sigh.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • My campaign “A Thousand Tiny Gods” continues. I almost disbanded B-Team for reasons I don’t want to go into. I gave them one more session to get their act together…and they did. And honestly, it was the best session to date. I need to pay attention to some of the players more. Cross talk was minimal and the players all poked me off voice chat as needed. Again, best session yet.
  • Not much else here. Too much crap keeps happening to me.
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