Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – September 2019


Authorial Highlights

  • Calypso-4 aka “Five Four Perilous Journeys” is done. We made our deadline and wrapped up the adventure path that’s led from the first to the fifth. Overall, I’m proud of this one. It turned out really great and let J. Edward Tremlett and myself get in more time as coauthors. That’s a bond that takes a while to form, but we’re pretty gelled at this point.
  • The project query I submitted (per last last month’s highlights) was accepted. I signed a contract and then I wrote the thing in nine days. It’s a hefty book coming in at about 27,000 words. I now need to revise, edit, and do an alphatest/review of it. Looks like I’ll be able to meet my submission date for first draft on time and that’s always a bonus. Let’s call this this one “Marl Ankh-3.”
  • SNO-51 has landed back on my desk with comments from Kromm. The comments hefty and I’m going to need to make this project my priority for the next month if I want to get them in on time.
  • I currently have two outstanding contracts: SNO-51 and Marl Ankh-3.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 2 per week and and I’d like to get back to 3-4 along with more content. I’ve already had a complaint about shoving out my session reports instead of more GURPS content and that’s a fair complaint.
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.


Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for September. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I lost two patrons – one $5 and one $1. 🙁
  • I released a short story – more flash fiction – set in my AEON universe. I was pretty happy with it.
  • I need to do more interaction on this site. More polls. More patron-only sture. Just More.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • I ended up switching campaigns again and started a wainscot wuxia campaign. We haven’t played yet. The first episode will be this coming Monday for B-Team. Or at least that’s my hope. C-Team is going to need a little more time. I welcomed back an old player on C-Team and got two new players on B-Team (one whom I played with at GenCon50 in a DF game. Should be fun).
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  1. Pingback: GURPSDay! Sept 13 to Oct 4, 2019 - Gaming Ballistic

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