Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – September 2023


Authorial Highlights

  • I am still considering what long form fiction thing I want to write.
  • GURPS Whatchamacallit aka “GURPS Meta-Tech” is back with me for a few weeks – I figured out a way to do something I didn’t think was possible but when I was adapting it for my upcoming GURPS fantasy campaign, “Aersalus,” turned out I could. Imagine that. This is why you playtest in your own games, writers!
  • The Fantasy Trip Quick Quest “The Gallery of Hands” remains in the hands of Steve Jackson.
  • My article for Hexagram for The Fantasy Trip is in the hands of Steve Jackson Game
  • GURPS Visage-22 has reached the 60% mark for editing and should be ready to go by the end of this month as anticipated.
  • Working for Haptic has been a ton of fun and it’s not just writing. It’s developing a style guide for other writers, working on formatting, helping with design layout, and much more. The social media part is equally fun and we’ve barely scratched the surface. There are some growing pains, but we’re dealing with it and the group of folks I get to work with is incredible.
  • I currently have four outstanding contracts: a Hexagram article, a TFT Quick Quest, GURPS Visage-22, and GURPS Whatchamacallit aka GURPS Meta-Tech.
  • Total wordcount for September was 20,037 words – I did not meet my goal of 35,000 words. Of course, lots of random Life(TM) happened during this month to help contribute to the issue.
  • I’m guessing about 30,000 words for October.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 3-4 per week. Lots of recaps, but more mechanical stuff sprinkled through out.
  • Working on doing a facelift for the blog. Still not completely satisfied with it at the moment.
  • Wrote a handful entries.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for the month. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained 2 patrons, lost 1 patron, and had one patron edit their pledge upward. Thank you, folks!
  • No fiction again.
  • Get the Patreon Specials for September here.
  • Get the October FREE SPECIAL here.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • Aeon has been extended for a couple of reasons. First, I want to settle the season and I want to settle it right. Across the teams this season has the potential to change a lot of stuff thanks to player actions. Second, I’ve *never* gotten a lot of play done during the end of November and December. Too many folks doing too much IRL stuff. So thanks to those two things Aersalus will start in the new year.
  • I have continued to work on my new campaign – Aersalus. It’s about 85% done with the required player-facing material and maybe 35.5% done with the bible as a whole. So far wordcount for it is 130,964 and total estimated wordcount will be about 289,000 or so.
  • I continue my learning in the Virginia Board of Workforce Development program. I’m now into Phase Three. Still on that pause though.
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