Carpe Blogiem: GURPS Realm Management is Out!

It’s out! Finally, finally, finally it’s out! I’ve been working on this book since early 2018.

Ever want to run a kingdom? Be the lord of the castle? Now you can with the comprehensive system for running a kingdom, being in conflict with another realm, and much more! Go buy it now! Get it here.

Don’t forget to rate GURPS Realm Management after you’ve read it for those who bought it. They look at that data more than social media or forum posts

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  1. This is excellent! The Civilization series of games were among my biggest time sinks in the 90s, and I loved the Birthright D&D setting for its brave rules for realm management. Thank you for bringing this to GURPS, and completing the grand scale rules of Mass Combat, City Stats, and Boardrooms & Curia!

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