I know, you’re reading this and thinking “What and the hell has Christopher come up with this time?” Honestly, I don’t know, man. Something happened. Then something else and now I’m here staring at this crazy thing. This bit of gear is the result of a story one of my players (+Travis Ellis) wrote about his […]
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The Hurt Locker: Tangler Pistol
So recently someone posted about the “goo guns” from the Incredibles on the forums. Since that is one of my favorite superhero flicks of all time I decided to poke at the idea of building a “goo gun” using metatronic generators. New Binding ModifiersFirst, some new modifiers for Binding (p. B40): Cosmic, Enhanced Layering: This Cosmic […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Climbing Lines and Auto-Grapnels
I’ve been kind of chewing on this one for a while – it originally came up in a Dungeon Fantasy game I was in and I came up with an imbuement to make it work (which is fine), but I got to thinking: How does Climbing Line work? Sure, I could just say “It works!” but […]
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