AEON C3-Team: Season 1, Session 25 – Maximum Chocolate!

Dramatis Personae

  • Fiona A. Egan (Played by Chepe): A budding society girl and star athlete who keeps getting distracted by both civil and social engineering; also a hydromancer slowly uncovering her powers. Power: Water Control. Tagline: “Don’t be a drip.”
  • Hamilton F. A. Dermot (Played by Randy H.): TBA. Power: ESP. Tagline: “TBA”
  • Harlowe E. Hobbs (Played by Chris D.): A chess grandmaster, military nerd, psych nerd, and flyrokinetic. Powers: Force Constructs, Hyper-Intelligence, and ???. Tagline: “Anyone who looks on the world as a game of chess deserves to lose.”
  • Harvey G. Clarke (Played by Will): A natural genius with hyper-intelligence and a knack for bioengineering, medicine, and gadgeteering with the ability to analyze genomes; loves spending all his free time in a library or research lab.. Powers: Hyper-Intelligence. Tagline: “I’ve read that.”
  • Allissa “Lisa” J. Zamarripa aka Dreamweaver (NPC): Annoyingly mysterious. Poet laureate. Sees the future Power: Dream Control. Tagline: “I had a dream about you.”
  • Benjamin B. Bailey (NPC): A prodigy at earth science and an avid spelunker, Ben has the power to reshape the same earth and stone that he studies. Naturally optimistic, he sees the best in those around him…even when he probably shouldn’t. Power: Earth Control. Tagline: “With my friends as my foundation, I’ll never crumble.”
  • Carol W. Pfeifer aka Burn (NPC): Pyrokinetic. Linguist. Very intense person. Power: Fire Control. Tagline: “I’ll show you how I burn.”
  • Felicity E. “Flit” Chou (NPC): Talks to fast. Hopeless romantic. Musician. Loves to skateboard. Power: Teleportation. Tagline: “Here. There. Everywhere.”
  • Jamie J. Billings (NPC): Nonverbal. Mathematics savant. Communicates via a PDA. Shy. Power: Time Control Tagline: “I Can Show You The Math.”
  • Lynne C. Duane (NPC): Holder of Bachler’s degree in neurobiology Daughter of a famed neurosurgeon. Athletically gifted. Withdrawn and not herself. Power: Telepathy. Tagline: “…”
  • Raymond J. Parrish aka Raybeam (NPC): TBA. Power: Hyper-Intelligence and Technopathy. Tagline: “This is going to be great. Look what I made?!”
  • Tabitha E. “Tabbs” de Orellana (NPC): Latina from the Bronx. Aptitudes for mechanical engineering, chemistry, and materials science. Speaks her mind. Bossy and cocky, but not arrogant. Powers: Hyper-Intelligence and Kyberic Energy Control. Tagline: “No me respondas.”
  • Warren P. Clark (NPC): Computer and electronics nerd. Very tall for his age (over 6′) and big. Powers: Hyper-Strength and Technopathy. Tagline: “Oh. What does this button do?”

Previously . . .

The group come to inside rooms they’re not familiar with. They’re in Geneva, in a hotel in their individual rooms and the last several days are quite fuzzy. They’re almost like the memories are they’re there but they can’t put their finger on what they’ve done. Fiona starts experiencing double and then triple vision, watching her hand go through the air twice and three times and then an afterimage doubles back like she changed her mind midmovement. Hamilton contacts his parents as he does every day, seeing when the last time they spoke which was yesterday. Fiona’s strange vision continues for an hour, almost like a trip but without the horrible low or the high. She tells Lynn to dance as an experiment, she’s told no but there’s an afterimage that does dance and another that goes off to get something to eat.

Let’s Do the Time Warp!

Fiona, Hamilton, Harlowe, and Harvey
La Réserve Genève Hotel, Spa and Villa
Tuesday September 10th, 2008, 0800 hours 
Rte de Lausanne 301, 1293 Bellevue, Switzerland

She goes to Hamilton to figure out if he can tell her more and he can’t, they also speak with Harvey and attempt to figure out if it’s drugs or something with Hamilton’s abilities and then with Harvey’s abilities. While investigating each other, they see JJ coming out of his room and looking confused before pulling out his pad that allows him to talk to others that he hasn’t used for years now. It seems that Jamie is back with them after years of different dimensional version being there. He was in another place, and he has no idea who Hamilton is. Hamilton is a bit fuzzy but is pretty sure they’ve known each other for a bit when Jamie gets angry with his pad before throwing it down in anger that it’s not working properly. Fiona is still trying to figure out what happened between the night in Paris and them waking up, the memories are there but in a faint way.

Hamilton tells JJ that he can read the past of objects and then asks if he’d be willing to allow Hamilton to try to read his past to which he nods enthusiastically and chokes out a yes. Warren comes out into the hallway complaining about the noise and things smelling like bananas, they suggest going to go to Fiona’s room which is accepted and Warren heads into there finding some leftover pizza.

Hamilton’s attempt to view JJ’s past results in viewing JJ breaking through dimensions and finally seeing Harlowe standing with a crystalline skull like a kaleidoscopic panopticon with Harlowe always there, Harlowe fighting monsters or leading monsters, being led by Ulrich, led by Harrison, led by Nemesis. And always present is Chessur, as though it’s both there and outside of everything that is occurring. Jamie is insistently pointing at the skull and when Harlowe turns to look at them, his eyes are radiating strange, impossible colours of kyberic energy. At this point Hamilton is shoved back into his own body feeling like he needs to vomit before looking around, realizing that that no one has actually spoken with Harlowe yet and looks around to find that he is still sitting in his room.

Harvey’s check of Fiona shows that she’s got some kind of cognitive impairment, she’s somehow not all in the right mindspace that she should be from the symptoms that she’s describing. Fiona and Flit are the only ones of the group that are having issues really, to which realization she immediately sits down and starts playing patty cake with Flit, or trying to at least since it looks like two drunk seagulls fighting over a hotdog. With that happening, Hamilton tries to explain how his precognitive powers work and they probably won’t work that well but tries, around 8pm his time he ends up with a blank, nothing past there. By this point, Carol has shown up in the room as well while Harvey samples Jamie’s DNA while he’s also been making more goo for Heather to keep her stable. His sample with Jamie reveals that Jamie’s DNA changes, they can literally see minute changes under the microscope occur before their eyes until it hits a specific one and stops, looking like the sample that Harvey had taken previously. It slowly goes away, but the issue eventually does go away when they hear a knock on the door.

It’s a man bearing two dresses, one for Fiona and one for her. . . guest. The dresses are from an.X.N. Xanthas Nicolades who is the director of the Meraki Academy of Institutes and Camp Nightwatch. The man has got a mobile wardrobe where he hands out suits and gowns that are immaculately tailored and handsewn with the only labels being for who it goes to. Paranoid, Hamilton is convinced to use his ESP on the suits, finding that they were hand-tailored by a little old man in Geneva, Johan Werner, and that he can barely remember himself getting the final adjustments made during tailoring. Harvey investigates the Rolex watches that came with them, that it’s custom made, they don’t have the brand name on them but instead has a Greek symbol and lettering on them. There are names on the back of the watches, each one getting their preferred style, either pocket watch or wristwatch.

They’ve still got several hours to go, so Hamilton goes to investigate going to find something. In this case, he wants to go on a chocolate tasting tour, perhaps the chocolate and cheese one much to everyone else’s preference. Heather is also quite happy and feeling better, that she’s taking most of the meds willingly though she no longer has powers, which was the only thing that made her feel special. They have a nice tour, cheese, chocolate, wine. Apparently Harlowe has caught whatever bug has been going around and will be absent.


Once done, they get into their party clothes and head off to the event at the CERN Center for the Large Hadron Collider. They get there early enough to be able to mingle, with Xanthas Nicolades greeting them and Harvey failing to get Nicolades’ DNA. It doesn’t seem that he’s got a nullifying ability since Fiona is still able to generate water.

After Action Report (GM)

Session was too short and had to end the game early due to my family needing me for something.

Other Notes




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