Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – August 2019


Authorial Highlights

  • The work on Calypso-4 aka “Five Four Perilous Journeys” continues. J. Edward has sent me Adventure #4 to format, edit, and add my pieces and has moved onto the 5th and final adventure for this contract. It’s gonna be close, but I think we can make our October deadline.
  • My submitted proposal was accepted, but I canceled it at the last moment. I still want to write the book, but now is not the time. I’ve submitted something else instead as inspiration has struck and it’s always better to write when inspired rather than slog through something. Like previously it’s too early to give it a name or anything like that.
  • I currently have two outstanding contracts: SNO-51 and Calypso-4; the latter is 70% of the way fulfilled.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 3 per week and I’m happy with that!
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.
  • I commissioned a a new avatar from Ksenia Kozhevnikova who has done marvelous things with Doug’s The Fantasy Trip works. She drew some amazing undead pirate chickens (yes, one of the things I wrote has undead pirate chickens). See here for her work.


Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for August. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained twopatrons – one $5 and one $1.
  • I released a short story – more flash fiction – set in my AEON universe. I was pretty happy with it..
  • I’ll be releasing a Boil and Bubble post on September 15th for all of my blog readers. Look for it there.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • I’ve been taking a bit of a break from writing to work on my Dungeon Fantasy campaign “Aersalus”. Gaming for C-Team is on track, but B-Team saw only one session due to sickness and complications in schedule. Gah.
  • I’m going to be looking for two new players for Monday nights for my campaigns. Current play is a DF game so keep a look out here or if you’re interested now send me an email. Play requires a webcam and mic, but rules mastery is not required. Just helpful.
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