Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – July 2023


Authorial Highlights

  • I am still considering what long form fiction thing I want to write.
  • GURPS Whatchamacallit will be submitted on the 8th of August. It is as good as I can get it.
  • The Fantasy Trip Quick Quest “The Gallery of Hands” is done and remains in the hands of Steve Jackson.
  • I’m wrote another article for Hexagram for The Fantasy Trip. That’s done. I’ve decided to just write a new article every 3-4 months and submit them.
  • GURPS Visage-22 is now being actively worked on. This one is good and is something I’ve worked on before. More later.
  • I’ve worked six months with Haptic writing for the company’s blog. It remains fun. I did four posts this month. August is the month we start getting serious about posting, social media, and more.
  • I currently have five outstanding contracts/jobs: a Hexagram article, a TFT Quick Quest, four blog posts for Haptic, GURPS Visage-22, and GURPS Whatchamacallit.
  • Total wordcount for July was 26,426 words. I was about 14,500 words below what I wanted. Ah well. Can’t win them all.
  • Total wordcount for August is I hope going to be 30,000 words.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 0-1 per week.
  • Working on doing a facelift for the blog. Still not completely satisfied with it at the moment.
  • Wrote a handful entries.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for the month. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I gained no patrons and lost 4 patrons.
  • No fiction again.
  • Get the August FREE SPECIAL here.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • Aeon is nearing its end. Another 6-9 sessions I think.
  • I have continued to work on my new campaign. I’ve lost a bit of time – I wanted to be done by mid-August…but I only have one more item to do. Then character creation will be done.
  • I continue my learning in the Virginia Board of Workforce Development program. I’m now into Phase Three but I have taken a bit of a pause to do some other stuff.
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