Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – June 2019


Authorial Highlights

  • GURPS SNO-51 has been fully revised and sits in the “freezer” for now. (The “freezer” is where I put all my “finished” drafts until I do a final triple-check before submission).
  • The Calypso-4 Kickstarter “Five Four Perilous Journeys” did an insane $40,000. Adventure #3 is with Douglas and J. Edward Tremlett is working on adventure #4. Adventure #3 is awesome for reasons that rhyme with that word. The covers to “The Crown of Eternity” and “The Cursed Pirate Isle” are fantastic in every sense of the word. The August 1 finish date still seems likely.
  • GURPS Monster Hunters: Power-Ups 1 (which is what it is) should see light in July – or so I hope.
  • I currently have three outstanding contracts: SNO-51, the GURPS Monster Hunters: Power-Ups 1, and Calypso-4; the latter is 60% of the way fulfilled.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 1 per week – other projects have taken their time. I’d like to remedy this next month.
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.


Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for June. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I lost two patrons – one $20 and one $10 – both of which hurt. We’re trending back down again. I need to do something to fix that. I need to spend more time on Patreon and that is something I want to fix for July.
  • I released part three of a three part story I wrote for a collection that got bounced.
  • I released another Boil and Bubble past article for all to have.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • I have taken a slight vacation from writing – SNO-51 took a lot out of me and I needed the time off.
  • I’ve got a list of parts for the new desktop and a budget, goal is to wait until Black Friday to buy what I need and then assemble it all at home.
  • All hail the writing block schedule.
  • Gaming is back on schedule after a slight detour
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