Authorial Highlights
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ??? aka Marl Ankh-3 is fully in the hands of SJGames and is now on the current playtest queue.
- Nibelung aka Nordlond Magic Items – is still being stewed upon.
- Invincible-13 is done and in the hands of the publisher. This was a hard one to write. I had so much to say on the subject that in the end I had to excise bits and pieces from it. Killing your darlings is hard.
- I currently have three outstanding contracts: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: ???, Invincible-13, and Nibelung.
Blog Highlights
- Blog entries have been around 0 per week. There was just too much going on. 🙁
- Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble. This is still being worked on behind the scenes, it’s just taking some time.
- Working on doing a facelift for the blog. Gonna roll that out as soon as I’m satisfied.
Patreon Highlights
- Patreon remained on track for April. Still releasing them to schedule.
- I gained two new patrons. I lost no patrons. I’m still over 100 – things are really looking up for me in this regard.
- Still using a voting mechanic for Patreon Specials – still not getting more than 30% to 45% of patrons to vote. Still no idea how to increase that. I tried doing a monthly goal for this. It didn’t really work out well.
- My “monthly goals and rewards” for my blog/Patreon didn’t work out that well this month again. Enticing votes on Patreon is also apparently a no-no.
- No fiction was released during May either, the trend did not end. Sigh.
Miscellaneous Related News
- My campaign “A Thousand Tiny Gods” has premiered and is going well. The players have taken well to the less combat, more social angle I’m running and I’m having fun with this one.
- My personal life imploded at the end of November. If you want to read about it check out my Twitter. It’s almost over. Hopefully my sister does the right thing and then we can end this.
- My family has been having a hard time medically right now. My aunt was hospitalized for COVID-19 and complications (she has COPD), her husband has a mysterious microbleed in his body somewhere that is causing heart attacks, and my other aunt had half her damn calf sawed off to get some skin cancer removed. I’ve been taking care of people as best I can, but it’s been a lot on me. Too much at times. Me and mom have been trying to make it all work and be there for people as much as possible, but it’s been really rough and it’s really cut into my free- and work-time.