Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – October 2019


Authorial Highlights

  • Marl Ankh-3 is being edited/revised and I’m currently at the 23% mark. My January deadline is well within reach as I continue working on this one.
  • SNO-51 is once again finished and I’ll be submitting that on Monday after a final shakedown this weekend. The playtest for this one is going to be interesting. GURPS doesn’t really have something like this yet and I’m pleased at how it has turned out.
  • I have started a fiction novel with NaNoWriMo . As of this post I’m setting at about 4,000 words. I’m aiming for between 50,000-80,000. To early to talk about it right now, but it is set in my Chronicles of Ceteri campaign setting.
  • I currently have two outstanding contracts: SNO-51 and Marl Ankh-3.

Blog Highlights

  • Blog entries have been around 5-7 per week and I’m trying to post daily. So far so good.
  • Mumble mumble designer specs for headers mumble mumble.

Patreon Highlights

  • Patreon remained on track for October. Still releasing them to schedule.
  • I neither gained nor lost any patrons this month
  • I was unable to release fiction for October on my Patreon. Bit disappointed in myself. I need to keep my obligations up.

Miscellaneous Related News

  • My wuxia campaign, “The Middle Kingdom” has seen several sessions of play. I lost a player for B-Team due to Real Life™ and that team sits at 4 currently. I’m not sure if I’ll advertise for another player. C-Team’s first session will be Sunday the 3rd of November.
  • As a part of my narrative focusing for The Middle Kingdom I have set a date for the campaign to end (12-18 sessions or end of January/beginning of February). The Middle Kingdom is a freshman campaign and that means I don’t know if I’ll put it on the campaign wheel to continue running it. So far, I’m thinking “yes”. It’s been lots of fun to run and the players have enjoyed playing it ()so they tell me). Still, I’m ready to go back to one of my senior campaigns, specifically, Ceteri. I’m spending lots of extra time getting my wiki done up, NPCs fleshed out, and the setting bible revised and added to in preparation for next year’s campaign.
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