Carpe Blogiem: GenCon 50 – Day 1

Whew. Lot of stuff happened today. Let’s see. I wandered around the GenCon exhibition hall for about 5 hours. I got a chance to talk to numerous folks including Steve Jackson, Michael Stackpoole, Andrew Hackard, and a dozen others. It was pretty damn amazing.

I snagged up a good half-dozen folks I knew were coming to the con so I could bring them to see +Douglas Cole while he was working a booth. What else? I bought a copy of GURPS Cabal (I didn’t own a physical one), some dice for my other half, and the “shiniest RPG book ever made.”

I caught dinner with Joseph Bravo and Doug at the Munchkin tavern and ordered one of their burgers – it was quite good. The right amount of bacon. So big I had to eat it with a fork. Fries were pretty on point too. I’ll probably order that again Saturday when we play the DF game there with +Sean Punch.

Heading back to the hotel I meet up with some awesome folks who showed me how to play Galactic Truckers and a really fun game whose name escapes me at the moment that involved upgrading gems and buying cards for points. I want a copy. It was that nice.

I then went for a swim in the pool with said folks, hung out in the Jacuzzi a bit, then meet some OTHER folks who I chatted with for quite a while about game design and theory before heading back to my room at 0100 hours and passing out around 0200 hours.

Twitter Stream Photos

#GURPS Dungeon Fantasy in the wild.

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 17, 2017

The man Himself. Steve Jackson. Talked #GURPS a bit and looked at the new DF box game. Was amazing

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 17, 2017

More #GURPS Dungeon Fantasy in the wild

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 17, 2017

Getting my game face on for the first day of the con.

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

A few pictures of the Con – this was THURSDAY and it was *packed*

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

Minis! Also, #GURPS in the wild!

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, Michael Frakking Stackpoole. Nuff said. @MikeStackpole

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

The local #GURPS Klingon Edward Charlton himself

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

@SJGames booth panels at GenCon. Much shiney. Games wow.

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

The Andrew Hackard aka @RedPenOfDoom

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

One of the DFRPG special game session players – we met up at the Exhibit Hall and pretty much hung around the whole time. #GURPS

— Christopher R. Rice (@Ravenpenny) August 23, 2017

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