Designer’s Notes:Terry Toucan & the Puzzle Pals – The House of 10,000 Sock Monkeys!

My involvement in this article was mostly as a format checker and “crunch” meister. Though I did help J. hammer out some of the details. I spent maybe 10 hours total, with 0.5 hours writing, 5 hours editing/format-checking, 0 hours for research, and maybe another 4.5 hours of revision. I had a blast working with […]

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Designer’s Notes: Codex Duello

Codex Duello was one of those things that came out of a “I wonder if I could…” after a conversation that started in Pyramid Write Club and degenerated into a off-list email conversation with +Douglas Cole. Doug thought that Control Points from GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling might be more broadly applicable elsewhere. I just happened to […]

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