The Chronicles of Ceteri – C-Team – S01E07

Dramatic Personae





Title Forthcoming
Yanay is buried under paperwork, and Mike is busy getting his spirits lifted by Dr. Feelgood Suzette.
Agrivaine has Walter secure him a vehicle to drive back to the Bedford Building. He checks in with Yanay and is caught up on what’s happening. Almost everyone is watching starwars on a VCR, including Aldrick and Magnus. Aggie requests something to help him sleep from Magnus, assuming Magnus will hook him up with some medicinal and/or herbal remedies.
Agrivaine naps while the battery is charging and the others watch Empire Strikes Back. After 30 minutes he feels pretty good- Magnus is very ambiguous whether there will be crash later for Agrivaine.
We discuss appropriate ley lines for use charging the battery, and we settle on the one running through the Freedom Trail under the Old North Church.
Aldrick gets annoyed that Raleigh doesn’t want to get directly involved in things. We pile into Magnus’ van. Magnus plays a cassette tape that has an enchanted recording of Africa by Toto on it, which encourages everyone to sing along, even Aldrick.
Everyone seems to enjoy the experience, and we arrive at the church way faster than we should’ve.
Raleigh gives Aldrick a potion that will allow him to open a portal elsewhere if shit gets bad.
There’s a magical pop as Aldrick enters the church, having blown out a metaphorical window in their magical defenses when he entered.
Raleigh and Leo see about breaking in- Raleigh checking for magical traps and finding a really poorly-cast spell, and Leo lockpicking the door once the spell is dealt with.
Raleigh starts speaking to an unseen presence, answering questions relating to the rest of us. The Church starts to erupt into some kind of metaphysical conflict, as Beelzy walks in and make an appearance. He and the angel that Raleigh was talking to start to trade words.
Beelzy and the Angels are obviously not getting along, with the Angels being quite offended that a Demon Prince is both in a church, as well as on Earth.
Beelzy isn’t persuaded by Aggie to step outside to discuss what Aggie has been up to.
Meanwhile, in the basement, Aldrick is busy moving coffins and bones around to place the battery in the right spot.
Beelzy eventually gets bored and leaves with us to get coffee. Once we’ve left he pops back up to inform us he helped ensure the angels won’t mess with the battery while it’s charging. Leo picks up that Beelzy is operating under a contract of some kind- although Beelzy is staying mum about the terms and timelines involved in that.
We hit up the Conclave safehouse Amos told us about.
We fill into William Sims on the situation- the Sidhe taking defensive positions, vampires, Bloody Mary’s group, Beelzy being around, etc.
Beelzy comes when we mention him. Agrivaine asks Beelzy to smell his finger, leading to a protracted argument to an accusations that Agrivaine is acting like he’s six years old.
When we mention the stones from the Tower of Babel, Erasmus mentions that they were originally intended to channel ley line energy. Leo realizes that on May 5th (tomorrow), there’s going to be a huge planetary alignment that will make ley lines FAR more powerful, making the tower (and whoever is inside it) way more powerful.
This session saw a lot of forward momentum. The PCs finally got the telluric battery in a position to be charged. Agrivain’s parentage was revealed. The PCs sang Toto’s Africa to get a bonus to rolls thanks to a magical spell set in a cassette tape. They finally visited the Conclave Safe house and William Sims. Leo (and his player) figured out what I’d been planning for something like six months – May 5 2000 is the beginning of a planetary conjunction involving all the classical planets – a event that takes places maybe every 2,000 years or less. They also realized that the Babel Stones had *two* properties – not just one. Sims tasked a dozen Custos knights to find the radius of the stones, while getting the PCs to convince the Duke and any Houses they could to help the Conclave restore order.


I also gave them one of the Backdoor Keys into the Conclave HQ, but with a warning: If you go in you either fix the problem or you can’t come out. I’m considering this being a joint Team operation as it would be perfect for that.

After Action Reports/Game Notes


This session saw a lot of forward momentum. The PCs finally got the telluric battery in a position to be charged. Agrivain’s parentage was revealed. The PCs sang Toto’s Africa to get a bonus to rolls thanks to a magical spell set in a cassette tape. They finally visited the Conclave Safe house and William Sims. Leo (and his player) figured out what I’d been planning for something like six months – May 5 2000 is the beginning of a planetary conjunction involving all the classical planets – a event that takes places maybe every 2,000 years or less. They also realized that the Babel Stones had *two* properties – not just one. Sims tasked a dozen Custos knights to find the radius of the stones, while getting the PCs to convince the Duke and any Houses they could to help the Conclave restore order.
I also gave them one of the Backdoor Keys into the Conclave HQ, but with a warning: If you go in you either fix the problem or you can’t come out. I’m considering this being a joint Team operation as it would be perfect for that.
Session Soundtrack
“Cars” by Gary Numan (opening song as Walter steals a car to take Agrivaine back to BLA)
“Africa” by Toto (on the way to the Old North Church)
“Iron” by Woodkid
“24 Hours” by Jem (closing song)
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