GURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Sensory Power-Ups

Today is GURPSDay and the penultimate day before the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Kickstarter closes. So I figured I’ve give a nice crunchy powers on Power-Ups in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.

The Five Senses
Any delver can benefit from the following sensory power-ups.

Ears Like a Bat

10, 22, 37, or 45 points for levels 1-4,
additional levels costs 4 points per level

Your hearing is incredibly sharp! At level 1 you gain a +5 to all Hearing rolls. At level 2, you automatically know the distance to whatever source of noise you are hearing with a successful Hearing roll and treat your Hearing as a targeting sense. By taking an Aim maneuver, you can “lock onto” any subject and determine its precise range and speed. This gives a +3 to hit that target with an aimed ranged attack. Level 3 gives Discriminatory Hearing (p. B49), while level 4 gives you a +8 bonus to analyze and recognize targets (but not to sense or track them!). Additionally, all attempts to memorize new signatures succeed automatically. At level 5 (and beyond), double the distance at which you can clearly hear a sound (p. B358).

Advantages: Level 1 is Acute Hearing 5 [10]. Level 2 is Precise Hearing [10] + Targeted Hearing [2]. Level 3 adds Discriminatory Hearing [15]. While level 4 adds the Profiling enhancement for 8 more points. Level 5 adds a level of Parabolic Hearing a level at a time [4/level].
Eyes like a Hawk

10, 20, 24, or 27 points for levels 1-4,
additional levels costs 5 points per level

You can see for miles. At level 1 you gain a +5 to all Vision rolls. At level 2, you take Long-Distance Modifiers (p. B281) for Vision penalties and treat your Vision as a targeting sense. By taking an Aim maneuver, you can “lock onto” any subject and determine its precise range and speed. This gives a +3 to hit that target with an aimed ranged attack. Level 3 gives you a +4 bonus to analyze and recognize targets (but not to sense or track them!). For example, you could memorize a face automatically just by seeing it once. Level 4 gives you 10x magnification (this lets you ignore -6 worth of penalties due to Size Modifier). At level 5 (and beyond), you ignore -1 in Vision penalties to range all the time (double this if you take a second to zoom in). This also gives you a +1 Accuracy per level with ranged attacks as long as you take an Aim maneuver.

Advantages: Level 1 is Acute Vision 5 [10]. Level 2 is Long-Range Vision [10] + Targeted Vision [4]. Level 3 adds Profiling Vision [10]. Level 4 adds Microscopic Vision 1 [3], while level 5 (and beyond) adds a level of Telescopic Vision a level at a time [5/level].
Gourmond’s Gustation

4, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 points for levels 1-7

Your sense of taste is amazing. At level 1 you gain a +5 to all Taste rolls. At level 2, you gives Discriminatory Taste(p. B49), while level 3 gives you a +8 bonus to analyze and recognize targets (but not to sense or track them!). Additionally, all attempts to memorize new tastes succeed automatically. At level 4, you can taste things at range. This allows you to ignore the effects of tasting something, while giving you a chance to identify it. For example, you could taste food to see if it was poisoned without exposing yourself to the poison itself. You can do this out to a maximum of 100 yards. This takes normal penalties, but halves your margin for all purposes if it’s beyond 10 yards.At level 5, your range is increased to 20 yards before it’s halved. Level 6 makes it 50 yards, and level 7 allows the full 100 yards.

Advantages: Level 1 is Acute Taste 5* [4]. Level 2 adds Discriminatory Taste [10]. While level 3 adds the Profiling enhancement for 5 more points. Level 4 adds Ranged Taste [1], while level 5, 6, and 7 add Increased 1/2D to Ranged Taste for 1 point.
* Cost was derived by adding a -60% limitation to Acute Taste and Smell for 0.8 points per level.
Mole’s Touch

10, 20, 25, 36, 43, 61, or 82 points,
additional levels costs 5 points per level

Your sense of touch is very sensitive. At level 1 you gain a +5 to all Touch rolls. At level 2, you gain the Sensitive Touch advantage (p. B83). Level 3 gives you a +4 bonus to analyze and recognize targets (but not to sense or track them!).  For example, you could memorize the pattern of someone’s clothing. Level 4, means you ignore -1 worth of penalties when you can’t see a target, but must do fine work, and ignore up to -2 in penalties due to haste (See Time Spent, p. B351). Level 5 ups this to -3 and -5, while level 6 means you never take penalties for not being able to see your target and you can perform touch-based tasks in 1 second with no penalty. For example, you could attempt to pick a lock in combat as an action. Level 7 gives you High Manual Dexterity (p. B59) a level at a time.

Advantages: Level 1 is Acute Touch 5 [10]. Level 2 is Sensitive Touch [10]. While level 2 adds the Profiling enhancement for 5 more points. Level 3 adds Stethoscopic and Ultrafine to Sensitive Touch and Microscopic 1 to Touch, for 11 points. Level 4 adds Work by Touch! (WC) Skill-4 [6], Speed Touch (WC) Skill-8 [0], and Efficent (Speed Touch) [1]. Level 5 increases Work by Touch! (WC) Skill-2 [12] and Speed Touch (WC) Skill-5 [12]. Level 6 increases Work by Touch! (WC) Skill-0 [18] and Speed Touch (WC) Skill-2 [27]. Level 7 adds High Manuel Dexterity a level at a time (up to six levels) for 5/level. These levels stack with those gained from occupational or racial templates.
Nose like a Bloodhound

7, 10, 25, 33, or 40 points for levels 1-5,
additional levels costs 4 points per level

Your nose is incredibly sharp! At level 1 you gain a +5 to all Smell rolls and use the Long-Distance Modifiers (p. B261) for smell rolls. At level 2, you automatically know the distance to whatever scent you picked up with a successful Smell roll and treat your sense of Smell as a targeting sense. By taking an Aim maneuver, you can “lock onto” any subject and determine its precise range and speed. This gives a +3 to hit that target with an aimed ranged attack. Level 3 gives Discriminatory Smell (p. B49), while level 4 gives you a +8 bonus to analyze and recognize targets (but not to sense or track them!). Additionally, all attempts to memorize new scents succeed automatically. At level 5, you can smell your target’s emotions (treat this as Empathy, p. B51) as long as they are within 2 yards of you. At level 6 (and beyond), double the distance at which you can smell a target’s emotional state.

Advantages: Level 1 is Acute Smell 5* [6] + Long-Range Smell [1]. Level 2 is Precise Smell [2] + Targeted Smell [1]. Level 3 adds Discriminatory Smell [15]. While level 4 adds the Profiling enhancement for 8 more points. Level 5 adds Emotion Sense for 7 points. Level 6 adds Area Effect to Emotion Sense doubling the range, for 4 points at a time.
* Cost was derived by adding a -40% limitation to Acute Taste and Smell for 1.2 points per level.
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