A couple of new learned prayers for those with Divine Favor.
Angelic Communion
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 14 points.
This miracle requires a minute of prayer as it calls upon one of the messengers of God, asking them a question and getting a truthful honest answer, the angel is considered to a have skill of 15 when answering such questions. Each question beyond the first imposes a -2 cumulative penalty. If the angel does not know, the summoner will be told as such, angels do not lie though they may deliberately not reveal all that they know if it is in the best interests of the paragon. Depending on the information being sought, the paragon will need to call upon a specific angel and then make a roll against the higher of his IQ or Religious Ritual. This miracle still works if the paragon does not take a full minute to pray and recite the angel’s name he wishes to converse with but he must make a separate roll of 3d, on a 12 or less the ability functions normally, otherwise it does not work and the paragon cannot call upon that specific angel for a full day, a roll of 17 or 18 means the paragon cannot call upon that angel until the next game session. This power is usually only available to saints (p. 00), but channelers with similar religious set-ups (e.g., the loa from Voodoo) may be able to use this learned prayer.
Statistics: Cosmic Modular Abilities 33 (Divine, -10%; Immediate Preparation Required, Weakened Without Preparation, 1 minute, -15%; Limited, Trait, Contacts, -50%; Requires IQ roll, -10%; Social only, +0%) [66]. Notes: The point value of the modular ability pool was built using the following: Contact (Specific angel; specific skill related to their angelic “portfolio” at level-15; Supernatural information; Always available; Completely reliable; Divine, -10%) [33].
Fury of the Lord
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.
You gain the ability to perform an extra Attack maneuver whenever you make an attack just as if you had Extra Attack (p. B00); you do not have to have a different weapon, body part, etc., allowing you to use the same weapon with both attacks. You also gain the benefits of Ambidexterity (p. B00) should you choose to make a Dual-Weapon Attack (p. B00), albeit at the normal -4 to skill.
Statistics: Ambidexterity (Divine, -10%) [5] + Extra Attack 1 (Divine, -10%; Multi-Strike, +20%) [28].
In The Eyes of God
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.
You are shielded from the senses of others, specifically, them remembering or even meeting you. Senses rolls are at -4. This works on all senses. Additionally, you are hard to pick out of a line-up and have the benefit of the Forgettable Face perk (GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 00).
Statistics: Forgettable Face [1] + Obscure Memory 4 (Cosmic, All Machine Senses, +300%; Cosmic, All Mundane Senses, +300%; Cosmic, All Supernatural Senses, +300%; Defensive, +50%; Divine, -10%; No Area Effect, -50%; Stealthy, +100%) [44].
In The Eyes of God (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 22 points.
As for the non-enhanced version, but you are only remembered if you want to be!
Statistics: Forgettable Face [1] + Obscure Memory 10 (Cosmic, All Machine Senses, +300%; Cosmic, All Mundane Senses, +300%; Cosmic, All Supernatural Senses, +300%; Defensive, +50%; Divine, -10%; No Area Effect, -50%; Stealthy, +100%) [109].
Picking Over the Bones
A few more prayers from my campaigns. I especially like the “In The Eyes of God” prayer – fits a lot of the more modern tropes for those imbued with the might of Heaven.