the Basic Set Luck advantage allows you to roll the dice two additional times (for a total of three rolls for one task) and take the result you want. This allows for turning a failure or critical failure into a success or failure (or vice versa in some situations like if you were attacking an ally […]
Continue readingTag Archives: Powers
GURPS101: More Chi Powers I
In Pyramid #3/105: Cinematic Magic I used the Sorcery system in a new way: to create a chi-based powers system for cinematic martial artists. Since then I’ve added to my listed powers. Here’s a few new ones from my Ten Thousand Jade Petals campaign: . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Designing New Imbuements
GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements introduces a new system to turn your weapon into fire or make your weapon more capable of striking through armor. It’s been quite popular spawning multiple Pyramid articles (with at least two by Y.T.) and is used by many gamers. It’s a bit of a whole cloth system instead of one you can […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Blessed Options II
A new ideas for the Blessed advantage: Blessed (Dominion) Varies You have claimed a location as your own. The maximum amount of space you can claim as your own depends on your IQ. Look up your IQ+7 in the Size column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550), read across to the Linear Measurement […]
Continue readingMelee Academy: More Psionic Martial Arts III
GURPS Psionic Powers offers a way to create psychic characters using a powers framework. GURPS Martial Arts codifies fighting styles in an easy to use block. In Pyramid #3/69: Psionics II I created the first fusion of these two books with “Mind and Body”. Here is another martial arts style that never made it to […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Sin-Eating
Sin-eating is a practice that goes back for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. In essence, a sin-eater takes all the wrong-doings and evil acts a person has committed into themselves. This is typically done after the subject dies, but before they die is possible as well. Sin-Eating can be found in many cultures and religions. […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Deconstructing Supernatural Durability
And I’m back with another deconstruction post. This time I’m talking about Supernatural Durability. It represents that horror movie trope of being unable to kill the bad guy – or at least making it difficult. So how does Supernatural Durability break down? Supernatural Durability as Pieces Parts So exactly what does this trait do and […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Intrinsic Magic
In The Chronicles of Ceteri magic is broken up into two forms: extrinsic magic and intrinsic magic. Extrinsic magic is essentially ritual path magic, while intrinsic magic (often called “rote magic”) encompasses everything else. This includes racial magical powers, chi skills, imbuements, logos (magical words of power), and wyrdling aptitudes (the ability to perform a specific […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Divine Gifts
In The Chronicles of Ceteri universe there are three types of divine gifts. The first is the province of Judeo-Christian saints and holy men. In Ceteri, there is a monotheistic deity who is the real deal and he gives powers over nature and reality to his chosen few. The second type are those who worship spirits, loa, small-g […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Psychokinesis Powers for Psionic Powers II
GURPS Psionic Powers is one of the best powers frameworks that GURPS fourth edition has yet to offer, seamlessly blending flavor and crunch in a perfect mix. I use it often. Here’s a power from one of my campaigns. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the […]
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