The Clairsentience advantage is one of the most underused and overrated of the “information-gathering” traits GURPS has to offer. This is most likely due to it’s high cost (50 points) and low range (starting range is a mere 10 yards). Clairsentience as Pieces Parts”So what does Clairsentience do and how does it do it? Requires you Concentrate for one […]
Continue readingTag Archives: Powers
GURPS101: Extra, Extra Effort
GURPS Powers introduces a new rule: Godlike Extra Effort (Powers, p. 161). This effectively allows you to enhance the effectiveness of your ability to drastic degrees and is only limited by your FP. GURPS Horror introduces rules for corruption (see Power Corrupts in Horror, pp. 146-148). Finally, GURPS Thaumatology introduces Threshold Magic (pp. 76-82), a form of magic […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: GMing Danger Sense
After a somewhat extensively long conversation with +Douglas Cole last night we got to talking about Danger Sense. His character, the Commander had it and we both forgot it at crucial points. Between the two of us we discovered that’s actually fairly common – the other fairly common in-play is the player who constantly abuses it. I like a […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: A Song of Many Worlds
Another article that started out a campaign material and then I whipped into shape to become something more publishable. Like most of the articles I pull directly from my campaigns I had very few pieces to cut because it was so concentrated. This was also the article where I fixed what I viewed as a […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: It’s Been an Aeon…
My new campaign setting, Aeon, has proven to be quite interesting. The base idea of the setting is the question “What if superpowers became real one day?” It’s not a particularly novel idea. But it became more (and I can’t really discuss what I mean by this – because my players read this blog) the […]
Continue readingGURPS101: The Fifth Attribute
I like to toy around with game mechanics when I create campaign settings. It allows me to make a campaign setting feel unique and give it its own flavor. The rules for a single attribute for all paranormal powers came to me after a discussion on physics (of all things) and how you might apply […]
Continue readingMelee Academy: The Feats of Samson
The Biblical figure of Samson (or “Sampson”) from the Book of Judges (chapters 13 to 16) is an interesting guy. Basically, he’s the Christian version of Heracles (and has interesting ties to that particular mythological figure as well). He did some pretty cool things, things which any PC in any campaign would love to do. […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Hordes, Hives, and Human Minds
I like to poke my head outside of my own bubble and work on topics that I might not otherwise pick. I think that if you’re going to keep your mind flexible the best way is to solve a problem someone else gives you rather than one you decide needs solving. Over in this thread, […]
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