GURPS101: All-Seeing Eyes

The Clairsentience advantage is one of the most underused and overrated of the “information-gathering” traits GURPS has to offer. This is most likely due to it’s high cost (50 points) and low range (starting range is a mere 10 yards). Clairsentience as Pieces Parts”So what does Clairsentience do and how does it do it? Requires you Concentrate for one […]

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GURPS101: Extra, Extra Effort

GURPS Powers introduces a new rule: Godlike Extra Effort (Powers, p. 161). This effectively allows you to enhance the effectiveness of your ability to drastic degrees and is only limited by your FP. GURPS Horror introduces rules for corruption (see Power Corrupts in Horror, pp. 146-148). Finally, GURPS Thaumatology introduces Threshold Magic (pp. 76-82), a form of magic […]

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