Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Sorcery – The Witch Doctor – Part II

Damn it, man! *itches skin* I need a hit, okay? So…uhh.. hey, I got this necromancy spells, right? I can quit when I want…I just need one more hit. One more hit ought to do it, right? Yeah. That’s it. For old times sake. Like the previous installment, this one is all about Diablo III skills as Known Spells for Sorcery. The following are the Secondary skills of the Witch Doctor:

Grasp of the Dead
Basic Cost: 225 points (or more)
Casting Roll: None (Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit).
Duration: 30 seconds.

The ground around you cracks and roils as corpse hands rise from the ground grabbing targets and squeezing them. Use a skill of 14 to hit, but don’t add any ranged penalties – the attack hits everyone within 8 yards of you. Targets do not get a chance to attempt a Active Defense the first time they are attacked by this spell! Count them as surprised. Successful use of the attack by you against them result in a -4 to Active Defenses. This only affects targets touching the ground. Anyone hit is bound to the ground with a ST 15 Binding attack (p. B00) with the Engulfing and Unbreakable modifiers. Targets also take 2d crushing damage as the hands squeeze and continue to take 2d damage every 1d+2 seconds for up to 1d cycles. Regardless, the effect doesn’t last more than 30 seconds.
The basic (225-point) version of this spell lets you affect an area up to 16 yards across. Each additional doubling of area adds 20 to basic cost; the GM sets the cap on this increase, but 32 yards is the recommended maximum.

Statistics: Binding Attack 15 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +150%; Bombardment, Skill 14, -5%; Emanation, -20%; Engulfing, +60%; Environmental, Touching ground, -20%; Extended Duration, 3x, +20%; Link, +10%; Magical, -10%; One Shot, -10%; Overhead, Surprise Attack, +150%; Persistent, +40%; Unbreakable, +40%) [158] + Crushing Attack 2d (Area Effect, 8 yards, +150%; Bombardment, Skill 14, -5%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Cyclic, 4 cycles, 5 seconds, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Environmental, Touching ground, -20%; Magical, -10%; Link, +10%; Overhead, Surprise Attack, +150%) [67].

Fire Bats
Basic Cost: 17 points/level.
Casting Roll: None (Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit).
Duration: Instantaneous.

You summon a stream of flaming bats to attack a target in front of you. Use Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit, but apply no range penalties – this is a Jet (p. B00) attack. It does burning damage with dice equal to your level of this spell x4.
The GM must determine what the maximum level available in the campaign is.

Statistics: Burning Attack 4d (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Jet, +0%; Magical, -10%) [17/level].

Basic Cost: 40 points/level.
Casting Roll: None (Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit).
Duration: Special, see below.

You summon a spirit from beyond to freeze your target. Use Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit, applying normal range penalties. It does burning damage with dice equal to your level of this spell every second for 10 seconds. Your target may make a HT-3 roll to resist taking this damage, but must roll every round. Targets that take more than 1/3 their HP from this attack reduce their movement to (Move x 0.2). This effect lasts until they are healed of the damage the originally suffered from this attack. Should your target die before all cycles have been completed the cycles “jump” to the nearest target. Make a new attack roll with penalties for range from the old target to the new one. Success indicates the new target suffers the remaining cycles. This continues to happen until all cycles have been completed.. Burning damage from this attack cannot start fires, but damage inflicted cannot be healed without being in a warm place and dry; see Freezing (p. B00).
The GM must determine what the maximum level available in the campaign is.

Statistics: Burning Attack (Cosmic, Damaging Hazard, +50%*; Cosmic, Wandering Cycles, +50%†; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Cyclic, 10 cycles, 1 second, Resistible, +500%; Freezing, +20%; Magical, -10%; Missing Effect, Cannot start fires, -10%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 1/3 HP, 0.2x Move, +120%) [40/level].
* Allows a Hazard (p. B00) on a attack that otherwise damages a target.
† If the original target dies, the remaining cycles “jump.” Treat this as if you were making a new attack, using your original attack roll (not including the original range penalties), but originating from the afflicted target. The new target suffers the remaining cycles.

Locust Swarm
Basic Cost: 45 points/level.
Casting Roll: None (Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit).
Duration: Special, see below.

You summon a cloud of locusts to swarm and bite your target. Use Innate Attack (Projectile) to hit, applying normal range penalties. It does toxic damage with dice equal to your level of this spell every second for 10 seconds.  Should your target die before all cycles have been completed the cycles “jump” to the nearest target. Make a new attack roll with penalties for range from the old target to the new one. Success indicates the new target suffers the remaining cycles. This continues to happen until all cycles have been completed..

The GM must determine what the maximum level available in the campaign is.

Statistics: Toxic Attack (Cosmic, Wandering Cycles, +50%*; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Cyclic, 10 cycles, 1 second, +1000%; Magical, -10%) [45/level].
* If the original target dies, the remaining cycles “jump.” Treat this as if you were making a new attack, using your original attack roll (not including the original range penalties), but originating from the afflicted target. The new target suffers the remaining cycles.

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