Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – December 2019

  Authorial Highlights Marl Ankh-3’s first draft is done. I will still do a final once over before submission but I still have about a month of time left so there is plenty of room for that. GURPS Realm Management aka SNO-51 is in playtest. I handpicked about 21 applicants (originally 20, but Peter Dell’Orto wanted in […]

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Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings V

And here is the final post of this part of the series featuring the minor, but important supernatural races. Bloodline Carrier Bloodlines are extremely important in Ceteri and there are numerous types. Example include the Bloodline of Solomon, Lilith (who got around), Cain, Able, and others. Being the child of a small-g god also counts here. Being […]

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Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings III

Today’s post is going to be about spirits, the restless dead, and faeries. Spirits Spirits or “inbetweeners” comprise of things like ghosts (the psychic/spiritual remains of a dead being, typically humans), tulpas (thought forms), poltergeists (animate psychic energy), and similiar beings. All spirits live in the ethereal plane aka Between. Some groups are broken up […]

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Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings II

Today’s post is about the werewolves, vampires, and succubi of the Ceteri setting. These monsters make up part of the “core” of civilized supernatural beings and can be found in most cities or towns. The Forsaken One of the largest and most organized groups of nonhumans, the Forsaken refers to vampires, werewolves, succubi, and nephilim that are […]

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Carpe Blogiem: The Chronicles of Ceteri Primer – Supernatural Beings I

With the powers and history posts behind me it’s now time to talk about the supernatural creatures that reside within the campaign setting. First, this post will be broad strokes – assume that most supernatural creatures exist within the setting in some form or another. This post will concentrate on the important monsters that make […]

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