Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Character Points, Embodied

XP. Eeps. Exp. Experience points. Character points.Whatever you call them they are the currency that drives the player economy. In GURPS these are simply called “Unspent Character Points” (no abbreviation, however adoptive exists – CP is a GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling term). In games that use GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys or Influencing Success […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: How Tough Is It?

Because GURPS is a point-buy system, figuring out what constitutes as a “tough” opponent can be difficult. Not only difficult, it can be downright arcane. There are situations where a 500-point character can have barely any impact on a combat (lots of social and mental advantages), and a 100-pointer absolutely dominates it (purely combat-oriented advantages). […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Frakking Unusual Backgrounds, how do they work?!

No. Seriously. How do they work? There have been numerous threads about the subject, and it came up again recently. So I’m going to give my take on it. Unusual Background is a highly customizable, variable trait. It’s highly customizable because it’s not meant for players, it’s meant for GMs. When a GM designs his […]

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