Triple Threat: Therasal

Therasal (or stone quills as they are more commonly called) are a strange mixture of badger, pangolin, porcupine, and canine with eight legs, octagonal scales, long spines, and a fuzzy down in places where their armor does not fully overlap. Their sharply pointed ears have fine tufts of fur that alert them to danger and […]

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Triple Threat: Krampus

The Krampus (sometimes called “Black Peter”) is a unique being that is sometimes thought to be a demon or elf who lost a bet with Father Christmas and is now forced to serve him as his terrifying enforcer, a job Krampus delights in. Along with the other Companions, he can only appear after December 1stand […]

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Triple Threat: Skull Crab

The skull crab begins life as a tiny crustacean the size grain of rice and resemble large, bulky crabs when fully grown. They inhabit beaches, lakeshores, and other areas where land meets water. Skull crabs are voracious eaters and grow to full size in less than three weeks. Once at full size they look for […]

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Triple Threat: The Raven Mocker

Note: In honor of the first annual “Blog or Treat!” I present a nasty monster from Native American mythology. Called the ka’lanu ahkyeli’ski (preferably during the day, in sunlight, never indoors, and away from any nearby shadows) the Raven Mocker is a horrific being form Cherokee legend (though it shows up in other tribes occasionally) that […]

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Triple Threat: Crocoroach

Crocoroach That’s right. It’s part insect, part reptile. It’s all nightmare. Maybe a wizard did it. Maybe a mad scientist. It doesn’t matter who did it you got to deal with it now, and really, that’s just not fair. The size of a small cat, the crocoroach is a consummate omnivorous scavenger. Usually found only […]

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Triple Threat: Bloodroot

Note: This is the creation of Hal “Wavefunction” Batty – not my own. Thanks for the contribution, Hal! A Bloodroot is an enormous, tree-like creature. It main body consists of a broad tree trunk with two other trunks attached to the sides forming thick arms, jointed at the elbows, and ending in a mass of […]

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Triple Threat: Hellwasp

Hellwasp These monstrous insects can grow upward to two feet long (not including a 6” to 12” stinger!) and are shades of mottled red and gold. It’s iridescent wings bioluminescence at night and is often confused with swamp gas emissions and/or St. Elmo’s fire. Since they prefer dark, humid environments they can often be found […]

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Triple Threat: Marrowsucker

    Marrowsucker Marrowsuckers are large, salamander-like creatures that resemble komado dragons with hooked, needle-like teeth. Their long, whip-like tails end with a bony protrusion that the creatures habitually rake across hard surfaces (mostly rock) to sharpen. This protrusion is attached to a series of ligaments and biomechanical “gears” that allows for it to be […]

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