Triple Threat: Rat-Thing

Rat-Thing Rat-Things are large (about a foot and a half long from head to tail) rodent with a human faces that are twisted with hate. Despite their size they are fiendishly strong and can bit off the finger of a grown man with a single bite. Any Game System… ST: 8                      HP: 10                 […]

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Triple Threat: Jiangshi

The so-called “hopping corpse” of Chinese legend, it has near-glowing green-white hair, long fingernails, and glowing green eyes. In the day it sleeps in a coffin or hides in a dark place like a cave, attic, basement, etc. At night it hunts its territory finding human beings whose “chi” it devours. For Any Game… ST: […]

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Triple Threat: Tako-Oni

A huge squid monster from the depths of the ocean. It’s big. It’s squishy. And it wants revenge for all that calamari you ate. If it were in the Atlantic, they’d call it a Kraken… For Any Game…ST: 60             HP: 60            Speed: 6.00DX: 12            Will: 14           Move: 4 (Water Move 10/20)IQ: 6 […]

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Triple Threat: Nightgaunt

Nightgaunts have deep black oily-looking skin and ‘skeletal’ features making them appear (in the dark) to look like emaciated humans. On closer inspection, their tridactyl-clawed hands and feet (three digits) become more noticeable. They come in two known types, the first are the more typical kind and have horns, leathery wings, and a long tail. […]

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Triple Threat: Wolpertinger

The wolpertinger takes the form of a small mammal (rabbits and squirrels are typical) with additional morphological features from other animals such as wings, antlers (or other forms of horns), tails, or fangs. Wolpertinger are for the most part harmless; they live in woodlands and eat plants (though legends persist of a carnivorous variety that […]

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