Abattoirians are the nightmarish result of three or more dead bodies fusing together into one hideous creature. Standing between seven and eight foot tall, they are a humanoid being made of a mishmash body parts where smooth skin should be. This might result in an extra head being embedded in the torso or arms sticking out of shins. Its nightmarish form can instill fear in anything, but those who get to close must contend with its stench as well as its grimy, diseased-infected claws and teeth. They sometimes use weapons, but they are mostly of an improvised nature.
Any Game Setting…
ST: 18 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 7
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: – SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Bite (14): 1d+3 impaling follow-up 1d toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Punch (14): 1d+3 cutting follow-up 1d toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Stench of the Grave (Roll vs. HT-2): Smell-based emanation within five yards. Subjects who don’t resist are nauseated (-2 to attribute and skill rolls, -1 to active defenses, and possible vomiting; see p. B428) for seconds equal to margin of failure. Those who fail by 5 or more begin retching(-5 to DX, IQ, and Perception rolls – including skill rolls – and cannot attempt any action that requires a Concentrate maneuver) for the same duration at which point they lost 1 FP after the effect wears off. Add your level of Acute Sense of Smell Taste or the bonus from Discriminatory Smell as a penalty to this roll.
Improvised Weapon (7):Based on Damage 1d+2/3d.
Traits: Automaton; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Fragile (Unnatural); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous; No Blood); No Fine Manipulators; Regeneration (Fast; Requires an equivalent mass in raw flesh); Reprogrammable; Single-Minded; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Partial).
Skills: Brawling-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Sterile. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror (p. 139), abattoirians have a modifier of -6.
* E.g., if it’s lost 10 HP it needs at least an entire human body to regenerate its mass.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 18 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 7
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: – SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 4 (Tough Skin)
Bite (16): 1d+3 impaling follow-up 1d+1 toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Punch (16): 1d+3 cutting follow-up 1d+1 toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Stench of the Grave (Roll vs. HT-4): Smell-based emanation within five yards. Subjects who don’t resist are nauseated (-2 to attribute and skill rolls, -1 to active defenses, and possible vomiting; see p. B428) for seconds equal to margin of failure. Those who fail by 5 or more begin retching (-5 to DX, IQ, and Perception rolls – including skill rolls – and cannot attempt any action that requires a Concentrate maneuver) for the same duration at which point they lost 1 FP after the effect wears off. Add your level of Acute Sense of Smell Taste or the bonus from Discriminatory Smell as a penalty to this roll.
Improvised Weapon (7): Based on Damage 1d+2/3d.
Traits: Automaton; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Fragile (Unnatural); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous; No Blood); No Fine Manipulators; Regeneration (Fast; Requires an equivalent mass in raw flesh); Reprogrammable; Single-Minded; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Partial). Add your level of Acute Sense of Smell Taste or the bonus from Discriminatory Smell as a penalty to this roll.
Skills: Brawling-16; Wrestling-16.
Class: Construct.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 92 (OR 47 and PR 45).
Notes: Sterile.
* E.g., if it’s lost 10 HP it needs at least an entire human body to regenerate its mass.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 23 HP: 25 Speed: 8.00
DX: 15 Will: 16 Move: 7
IQ: 10 Per: 16 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: – SM: +1
Dodge: 12 Parry: 13 DR: 9 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -4 (-6 if you can smell them)
Bite (18): 2d+3 impaling follow-up 2d toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Punch (18): 2d+3 cutting follow-up 2d toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in a cumulative -1 to HT rolls as the wounds fester and become septic.
Stench of the Grave (Roll vs. HT-5): Smell-based emanation within five yards. Subjects who don’t resist are nauseated (-2 to attribute and skill rolls, -1 to active defenses, and possible vomiting; see p. B428) for minutes equal to margin of failure. Those who fail by 5 or more begin retching (-5 to DX, IQ, and Perception rolls – including skill rolls – and cannot attempt any action that requires a Concentrate maneuver) for the same duration at which point they lost 1 FP after the effect wears off. Add your level of Acute Sense of Smell Taste or the bonus from Discriminatory Smell as a penalty to this roll.
Improvised Weapon (10): Based on Damage 2d+1/4d+1.
Traits: Automaton; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous; No Blood); No Fine Manipulators; Regeneration (Fast; Requires an equivalent mass in raw flesh); Reprogrammable; Single-Minded; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Partial).
Skills: Brawling-18; Wrestling-18.
Notes: Sterile. Use the skills listed under Demons in the Know Thy Enemy box in GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions (p. 16). Two to three abattoirians are a fair fight for one champion.
* E.g., if it’s lost 10 HP it needs at least an entire human body to regenerate its mass.
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Did you get the DR's swapped for Any (DR 6) vs. DF (DR 4)?
No, because "Any" can be any TL, I figure folks are smart enough to reduce it down in campaigns where muscle-powered weaponry inflict 4d at most.
So for straight-up fantasy (not DF), you would recommend setting it back to DR 4?
Aye, maybe 2 or 3 depending on the TL.
Thx (for the reply, and for the post!)