Triple Threat – Hellhound

Hellhound Hellhounds are large (about the size of a small pony) dog-like demons with burning coals for eyes and fur from jet-black to dirty dried blood. Like many “lesser demons” they are not very intelligent, but they do possess an animal cunning that makes them dangerous. They also possess the ability to seek out the […]

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Triple Threat – Tetramental

Note: This particular critter was designed by Antoni Ten Munros, I am just tossing it out there for use at his request. Tetramental A artificial creation, this is what happens when you fuse together one elemental of each of element: Air (Lightning), Earth, Fire, and Water (Ice). They are often bound to a specific location […]

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Triple Threat – Hedleyspawn

Hedleyspawn TheHedley Kow is mischievous sprite from Northumberland in northern England. Though it was called the Hedley Kow, the spirit could transform itself into almost any shape to trick others. Wearing a cow’s shape, the tricky creature turned into a cow and let a farmer milk him, but kicked over the pail, slipped its noose, […]

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Triple Threat – Leprechaun

Leprechaun Leprechauns are a small variety of fae that are best known for their current image: the cute, gold-loving, rainbow-chasing, green-wearing Irishman. But this is a modern myth. Leprechauns are foul-tempered, chain-smoking, shoemaking, shillelagh-wielding, little sociopaths. They hate the compulsions of their race (making shoes) and happily take that anger out on anyone within range. […]

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Triple Threat – Rat-Thing Swarm

Note: Rat-Thing’s are from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Rat-Thing Swarm Rat-Thing swarms are a writhing mass of normal rats and actual Rat-Things (which “control” them) – they are the epitome of fear for a musophobe. Eight or more Rat-Things (and hundreds of rats) constitute a swarm. Any Campaign Setting… ST: 8                      HP: 48 […]

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Triple Threat: Gaping Maw

Note: The following critter was inspired by the Gaping Dragon boss from Dark Souls. Gaping Maw This twisted monstrosity resembles a cross between a camel cricket and some sort of reptile…with a gigantic mouth where its torso should be. It has fully functional wings, which resemble those of a dragonfly with reptilian features. It attacks […]

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Triple Threat: Shoggoth

Note: This is a creature from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Shoggoth Iridescent black masses of bubbling protoplasm with random eyes, mouths, and less definable organs forming from and receding into the body, Shoggoths were created the servants of the Elder Things using alien biotechnology about a billion years ago. Shoggoths are malevolent, mocking, and […]

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Triple Threat: Blitz Barnacle

Blitz Barnacles are large (almost a half a foot in length) barnacle-like critters. They get their name from the fact that if they take damage they are liable to explode. Worse, stepping (or God help you, falling) on one causes a muscular contraction that shoots out several sea urchin-like spikes. They’re natural prey of the […]

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