Marrowsuckers are large, salamander-like creatures that resemble komado dragons with hooked, needle-like teeth. Their long, whip-like tails end with a bony protrusion that the creatures habitually rake across hard surfaces (mostly rock) to sharpen. This protrusion is attached to a series of ligaments and biomechanical “gears” that allows for it to be retracted when not in use. Marrowsuckers (unsurprisingly) consume bones and bone marrow, though they don’t mind eating flesh if they are hungry enough. They prefer fresh bones, but will eat any hard, organic, calcium-rich material.
Note: The following illustration was done by Walter Wilson aka Nymdok. Thanks, Walter! This monster is also of my own design.
Any Game Setting…
ST: 15 HP: 15 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 8
IQ: 6 Per: 12 Weight: 100 lbs.
HT: 13 FP: 16 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4
Bite (14): 1d+2 impaling follow-up 1d+4 toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in the target gaining Fragile (Brittle) for hoursequal to their margin of failure. This toxic damage is not taken off a subject’s HP total – it only determines if the target gains Fragile.
Claw (14): 1d+1 cutting.Reach C.
Tail (14): 1d+1 impaling.Reach C-2.
Traits: Acute Smell and Taste 4; Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Flexibility; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators; Peripheral Vision; Perfect Balance; Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach); Restricted Diet (Bones or Bone Marrow; Substitution); Claws (Sharp); Striker (tail; impaling; long +2); Teeth (Fangs); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-14; Climbing-16; Running-16; Stealth-14.
Notes: Toxic flesh (if eaten causes 1 HP of damage per half pound); If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror (p. 139), marrowsuckers have a modifier of -2.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 15 HP: 15 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 8
IQ: 6 Per: 12 Weight: 100 lbs.
HT: 13 FP: 16 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4
Bite (14): 1d+2 impaling follow-up 1d+4 toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in the target gaining Fragile (Brittle) for hoursequal to their margin of failure. This toxic damage is not taken off a subject’s HP total – it only determines if the target gains Fragile.
Claw (14): 1d+1 cutting.Reach C.
Tail (14): 1d+1 impaling.Reach C-2.
Traits: Acute Smell and Taste 4; Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Flexibility; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators; Peripheral Vision; Perfect Balance; Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach); Restricted Diet (Bones or Bone Marrow; Substitution); Claws (Sharp); Striker (tail; impaling; long +2); Teeth (Fangs); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-14; Climbing-16; Running-16; Stealth-14.
Class: Dire Animal.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 0 (OR 0 and PR 0).
Notes: Toxic flesh (if eaten causes 1 HP of damage per half pound).
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 18 HP: 18 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 14 Move: 11
IQ: 6 Per: 12 Weight: 100 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 16 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4
Fright Check: -1
Bite (14): 2d+4 impaling follow-up 2d+4 toxic. Reach C-1. If any toxic damage is done, make a HT roll (-1 per 2 HP taken), failure results in the target gaining Fragile (Brittle) for hoursequal to their margin of failure. This toxic damage is not taken off a subject’s HP total – it only determines if the target gains Fragile.
Claw (14): 1d+3 cutting.Reach C.
Tail (14): 1d+2 impaling.Reach C-2.
Traits: Acute Smell and Taste 4; Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Flexibility; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators; Peripheral Vision; Perfect Balance; Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach); Restricted Diet (Bones or Bone Marrow; Substitution); Claws (Sharp); Striker (tail; impaling; long +2); Teeth (Fangs); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-16; Climbing-18; Running-17; Stealth-16.
Notes: Toxic flesh (if eaten causes 1 HP of damage per half pound); Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions (p. 16). Two to three marrowsuckers are a fair fight for one champion.
Welcome back, Mr. Rice! Good to hear your Blogcation went well!
Thanks! 🙂