The GURPS Monster Hunters line provides a highly flexible, highly customizable magic system: Ritual Path Magic. The main user of it, the witch, is often used as a blunt instrument. Even though the witch is capable of casting massive damage dealing rituals, he’s actually better off acting as a support character for the other members […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 4
(The following is the subjective date – to the players it appears to have stopped) July 3rd 2000, Monday 1:35 pm (The following is the chronological date) November 6th 1614, Sunday 5:00 pm Unnamed Village at Akumagajikko Mountain Pass, Ishikari Mountains, Japan The PCs, along with General Yuki-me, eventually come up with a plan to […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Ghasts
Ghasts are dangerous humanoids that lurk in dark and desolate places. While they are much bigger than a human being they still have a humanish face (though they have no nose, just two holes despite their amazing sense of smell). Their rough leathery skin ranges from a dull rusty color to a dark grey. Their […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 3
(The following is the subjective date – to the players it appears to have stopped) July 3rd 2000, Monday 1:35 pm (The following is the chronological date) August 14th 1614, Sunday 12:00 pm Unnamed Village at Akumagajikko1 Mountain Pass, Ishikari Mountains, Japan Within the first few days of getting stranded in the past Angelique tells […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Barghest
Barghest Barghests are large horse-sized canines that resembles a cross between a hyena and a wolf with mangy fur and sharp-pointed ears. Barghests are found just in just about any wilderness and hunt in packs, they are especially sensitive to prey with supernatural capabilities whom they find delightfully tasty. They possess animal level intellect but […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 2
July 3rd 2000, Monday 1:35 pm Undisclosed Island in Michigan Lake After a few hours of rest the PCs (along with the SEAL team) begin repacking their equipment, replacing broken pieces and reloading ammo. Angelique ends up assembling the two pieces of the crystal skull and helping the technicians adjust the machine. After mere moments […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Tatou
[The following creature is from a nightmare I had. Enjoy.] The tatou is a vicious apex predator typically found in swamplands or jungles. Resembling a horrid combination of snapping turtle, salamander, and armadillo the tatou has heavily armored plate-like skin that is resistant to small arms fire and all but immune to most melee weapons. […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 1
July 3rd 2000, Monday 10:00 am Undisclosed Island in Michigan Lake After a good night’s rest the PC’s reassemble in the mess hall. Jonathan, unable to deal with the ‘fifth-rate food’ disappears into the back of the mess and begins to systematically take over the kitchen. The smell of the newly prepared cuisine draws in […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Shan’tacs
Shan’tacs are huge, elephantine horse-headed beasts with long sinuous necks and vague bat-like wings. They tend to lair in cold places with lots of caves or darkness (thus accounting for their rime encrusted wings). Shan’tacs and Nightgaunts are natural enemies and always fight if the two find themselves in the same area as the other. […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Guggie
Guggies are huge, hairy giants with a vertically split mouth and long spindly arms like that of an orangutan ending with four hands (two on each arm) instead of the regular two. The gods have banished the Guggies to the Netherworld for the performance of horrific rituals. Guggies will happily eat any strangers they encounter, […]
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