Ghasts are dangerous humanoids that lurk in dark and desolate places. While they are much bigger than a human being they still have a humanish face (though they have no nose, just two holes despite their amazing sense of smell). Their rough leathery skin ranges from a dull rusty color to a dark grey. Their legs are vaguely kangaroo-like, though instead of paws they have hooves. They are most at home in complete darkness, in fact in well-lit areas they actually suffer damage as their dermis reacts badly to the light. Sunlight can kill them near instantly. Most ghasts prefer to hunt in packs though are happy to turn cannibalistic when other food is scarce. They prefer to pounce on their prey tearing them apart with their hoofed feet and sharp teeth.
For any game…
ST: 22 HP: 22 Speed: 7.00
DX: 13 Will: 12 Move: 10
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 300 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 14 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4* (Tough Skin)
Bite (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C.
Claw (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C. The ghast may optionally change damage type to either crushing or cutting.
Claw, Running (15): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Kick (15): 2d+4 crushing. Reach C, 1.
Traits: Acute Taste and Smell 2; Ambidexterity; Appearance (Hideous); Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Extra Attack 1; Odious Personal Habits (Eats sapients); Resistant to Sickness (+8); Super Climbing 5; Weakness (Bright Lights; 1d per minute; Variable); Vulnerability (Sunlight x4).
Skills: Brawling-15; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Underground)-14; Tracking-14.
Notes: Effectively blind in any condition greater than candlelight, invert the darkness penalties. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) ghasts have a modifier of -2.
* This increases to DR 5 for the feet hit location.
For Dungeon Fantasy
ST: 22 HP: 22 Speed: 7.00
DX: 13 Will: 12 Move: 10
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 300 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 14 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4* (Tough Skin)
Bite (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C.
Claw (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C. The ghast may optionally change damage type to either crushing or cutting.
Claw, Running (15): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Kick (15): 2d+4 crushing. Reach C, 1.
Traits: Acute Taste and Smell 2; Ambidexterity; Appearance (Hideous); Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Extra Attack 1; Odious Personal Habits (Eats sapients); Resistant to Sickness (+8); Super Climbing 5; Weakness (Bright Lights; 1d per minute; Variable); Vulnerability (Sunlight x4).
Skills: Brawling-15; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Underground)-14; Tracking-14.
Classification: Undead.
Notes: Effectively blind in any condition greater than candlelight, invert the darkness penalties.
* This increases to DR 5 for the feet hit location.
For Monster Hunters
ST: 22 HP: 22 Speed: 7.00
DX: 13 Will: 12 Move: 10
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 300 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 14 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: 11 DR: 4* (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -2
Bite (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C.
Claw (15): 2d+1 impaling. Reach C. The ghast may optionally change damage type to either crushing or cutting.
Claw, Running (15): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Kick (15): 2d+4 crushing. Reach C, 1.
Traits: Acute Taste and Smell 2; Ambidexterity; Appearance (Hideous); Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Extra Attack 1; Odious Personal Habits (Eats sapients); Resistant to Sickness (+8); Super Climbing 5; Weakness (Bright Lights; 1d per minute; Variable); Vulnerability (Sunlight x4).
Skills: Brawling-15; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Underground)-14; Tracking-14.
Notes: Affected by Path of Undead. Effectively blind in any condition greater than candlelight, invert the darkness penalties. Use the skills listed under Undead in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One champion should be able to handle one ghast.