Triple Threat: Zanies

Zanies or whitefaces (or more archaically allaharu or scurra) appear to look like clowns. They are not demons or ghosts, but in fact a cursed sub-race of humanity. Though most of them do live in other planes or dimensions using special portals that only they know about to drift in and out of the real world. They also require food and drink like every other living creature they are also psychic vampires that feed exclusively on fear. Though they hate everyone that is not them, they particularly hate children and have a special hate for psychic or especially sensitive, shy, or artistic  children. Other than the fact that they like to impersonate ‘real’ clowns and terrorize others not much is known of them.

For any game…

ST: 12                    HP: 12                   Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 13                Move: 6
IQ: 11                   Per: 11                  Weight: 180 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                    SM: 0
Dodge: 9              Parry: 8               DR: 2 (Tough Skin)

But I’m harmless, Sir! (-): Despite their appearance and behavior, those around a zanie tend to be dismissed them as a minor threat. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. Will every turn, any targets who can hear the zanie. Those who fail will find the zanie no threat at all. It’s just a clown! This effect lasts for minutes equal to the margin of failure, or until the zanie uses his Maniacal Laughter, or attacks the target. This can be used with Cackle however. It does not affect prepubescent children!
Cackle (13):  As a free action, once per turn, the zanie can stare at someone and cackle maniacally. This is extremely disturbing. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the targets Will, should the target lose, they are mentally stunned. Those who resist are immune for a day, but only against that specific zanie.
Improvised Weapon (7): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Fear Itself (16): This requires a Quick Contest of skill vs. the target’s Will (at -1/yard), if the zanie wins the target loses 1 FP plus 1 additional point per point of their margin of failure on their last Fright Check. This attack ignores DR! This only affects victims who have failed a Fright Check in the Zanies presence.
Maniacal Laughter (-): The zanie can spend a turn laughing manically. While it does so, it cannot take any other actions, but it can still defend. Those who hear him must make a Fright Check at -5!
Punch (16): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C.

Traits:  Bully (12); Compelled to work a “day job” as a clown or a mime, preferably in a circus; Cruel, raw sense of humor; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Dislikes cuddly toys, such as teddy bears and dolls; Double-Jointed; Intolerance (Prepubescent children – especially quiet, intelligent, and creative ones); Longevity; Mimicry; Illusion (Independence; Ranged); Penetrating Voice (Laughter); Rapier Wit; Recovery; Sadism (12); Secret (Inhuman monster that delights in tormenting and murdering children); Smooth Operator 2; Terror 6 (Hearing; -5 to Fright Checks; Accessibility, Must laugh); Unnatural Features 5 (Chalk-white skin).
Skills:  Acrobatics-12; Artist (Illusion)-10; Brawling-12; Disguise-12; Performance-11; Psychology-12*; Sleight of Hand-13.
Notes: Cannot interbreed with own kind, must reproduce with humans who have been driven mad before puberty. Zanie clan leaders often have Gaudivore (Horror p. 12), other psychic vampirism or telepathic powers, and magic. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) zanies have a modifier of -0.

* Add +3 for Discriminatory Smell within 2 yards of subject.

For Dungeon Fantasy

ST: 12                    HP: 12                   Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 13                Move: 6
IQ: 11                    Per: 11                  Weight: 180 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                    SM: 0
Dodge: 9               Parry: 8                DR: 2 (Tough Skin)

But I’m harmless, Sir! (-): Despite their appearance and behavior, those around a zanie tend to be dismissed them as a minor threat. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. Will every turn, any targets who can hear the zanie. Those who fail will find the zanie no threat at all. It’s just a clown! This effect lasts for minutes equal to the margin of failure, or until the zanie uses his Maniacal Laughter, or attacks the target. This can be used with Cackle however. It does not affect prepubescent children!
Cackle (13):  As a free action, once per turn, the zanie can stare at someone and cackle maniacally. This is extremely disturbing. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the targets Will, should the target lose, they are mentally stunned. Those who resist are immune for a day, but only against that specific zanie.
Improvised Weapon (7): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Fear Itself (16): This requires a Quick Contest of skill vs. the target’s Will (at -1/yard), if the zanie wins the target loses 1 FP plus 1 additional point per point of their margin of failure on their last Fright Check. This attack ignores DR! This only affects victims who have failed a Fright Check in the Zanies presence.
Maniacal Laughter (-): The zanie can spend a turn laughing manically. While it does so, it cannot take any other actions, but it can still defend. Those who hear him must make a Fright Check at -5!
Punch (16): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C.

Traits:  Bully (12); Compelled to work a “day job” as a clown or a mime, preferably in a circus; Cruel, raw sense of humor; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Dislikes cuddly toys, such as teddy bears and dolls; Double-Jointed; Intolerance (Prepubescent children – especially quiet, intelligent, and creative ones); Longevity; Mimicry; Illusion (Independence; Ranged); Penetrating Voice (Laughter); Rapier Wit; Recovery; Sadism (12); Secret (Inhuman monster that delights in tormenting and murdering children); Smooth Operator 2; Terror 6 (Hearing; -5 to Fright Checks; Accessibility, Must laugh); Unnatural Features 5 (Chalk-white skin).
Skills:  Acrobatics-12; Artist (Illusion)-10; Brawling-12; Disguise-12; Performance-11; Psychology-12*; Sleight of Hand-13.
Classification: Mundane.
Notes: Cannot interbreed with own kind, must reproduce with humans who have been driven mad before puberty. Zanie clan leaders often have Gaudivore (Horror p. 12) and are bards.

* Add +3 for Discriminatory Smell within 2 yards of subject.

For Monster Hunters

ST: 14                    HP: 14                   Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 13                Move: 6
IQ: 11                    Per: 11                  Weight: 180 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                    SM: 0
Dodge: 9               Parry: 8                DR: 4 (Tough Skin)

Fright Check: -2

But I’m harmless, Sir! (-): Despite their appearance and behavior, those around a zanie tend to be dismissed them as a minor threat. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. Will every turn, any targets who can hear the zanie. Those who fail will find the zanie no threat at all. It’s just a clown! This effect lasts for minutes equal to the margin of failure, or until the zanie uses his Maniacal Laughter, or attacks the target. This can be used with Cackle however. It does not affect prepubescent children!
Cackle (13):  As a free action, once per turn, the zanie can stare at someone and cackle maniacally. This is extremely disturbing. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the targets Will, should the target lose, they are mentally stunned. Those who resist are immune for a day, but only against that specific zanie.
Improvised Weapon (7): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Fear Itself (16): This requires a Quick Contest of skill vs. the target’s Will (at -1/yard), if the zanie wins the target loses 1 FP plus 1 additional point per point of their margin of failure on their last Fright Check. This attack ignores DR! This only affects victims who have failed a Fright Check in the Zanies presence.
Maniacal Laughter (-): The zanie can spend a turn laughing manically. While it does so, it cannot take any other actions, but it can still defend. Those who hear him must make a Fright Check at -5!
Punch (16): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C.

Traits:  Bully (12); Compelled to work a “day job” as a clown or a mime, preferably in a circus; Cruel, raw sense of humor; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Dislikes cuddly toys, such as teddy bears and dolls; Double-Jointed; Intolerance (Prepubescent children – especially quiet, intelligent, and creative ones); Longevity; Mimicry; Illusion (Independence; Ranged); Penetrating Voice (Laughter); Rapier Wit; Recovery; Sadism (12); Secret (Inhuman monster that delights in tormenting and murdering children); Smooth Operator 2; Terror 6 (Hearing; -5 to Fright Checks; Accessibility, Must laugh); Unnatural Features 5 (Chalk-white skin).
Skills:  Acrobatics-12; Artist (Illusion)-10; Brawling-12; Disguise-12; Performance-11; Psychology-12*; Sleight of Hand-13.
Notes: Cannot interbreed with own kind, must reproduce with humans who have been driven mad before puberty. Zanie clan leaders often have Gaudivore (Horror p. 12), other psychic vampirism or telepathic powers, and magical paths. Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16); they’re a form of magical mutant. One champion should be able to handle two zanies.

* Add +3 for Discriminatory Smell within 2 yards of subject.
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