I don’t have a ton of “house rules” – I pretty much like the GURPS 4th edition system as is, but there are a few things that irk me and one of those is the Frequency of Appearance for Allies, Contacts, Dependents, Enemies, and Patrons. In GURPS you basically purchase a Frequency for which your […]
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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Dirty Laundry
Something odd came up while I was helping a player create their character, he asked “What trait do I use to represent knowing someone’s dirty laundry? You know, blackmailable secrets nadf stuff.” I admit the first thing I went to was Favor + Ally, Contact, Patron and Completely Unreliable or Unwilling. But that seemed a bit […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Wound Absorption
Sitting around a table with your friends after a good game is some of the best times to breed ideas. Hell, they replicate like rabbits in such a situation. While gaming recently I had several ideas “fall” into my lap, but the most radical of them came from a conversation about a old World of […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Plot Points, Expanded
One of the often overlooked things in GURPS Powers (and there are many) is a small box on p. 192 at the top right of the page titled “GM Bribery.” In it, it describes a new way to reward players called a “plot point,” which are basically like character points but can be used to […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Benchmarking Modifiers
Figuring out exactly what a given modifier should cost that’s not in the rules can be extremely trying for any GM – much less a new GM. Here’s a couple of tricks I’ve learned over the years as both a GM, a game designer, and a writer. ……. Picking Over the Bones When it comes […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Player Psychology
I like to think of myself as a student of human behavior. What makes people tick. Why they do what they do. That sort of thing. I learned early on to detect minute changes in the moods of others and its stuck with me my entire life. Besides being useful in a fight or when […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Designing Realistic Characters
So how do you design a “realistic” character? Well, let’s start off by defining what realistic means. Realistic characters are more than just a pile of stats or skills. They’re a living, breathing personas that a player can easily don for the gaming session. Getting there can be tricky because each player is going to […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: How to Build a Hand of Glory
Note: In this post I’ll be reiterating a post I made on the Steve Jackson Games Forums (I’m putting it out there for my subscribers and a wider audience in general). It makes use of the rules for Metatronic Generators. The Hand of Glory is a powerful occult artifact. Made from a dismembered human hand […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Metagame Traits or Impulse Buys?
“It’s all in the reflexes!” Maybe, most likely on your character sheet it’s “all in Ridiculous Luck.” GURPS has quite a few “metagaming” character traits that allow you (the player) the ability to influence a character’s outcomes. Call it Player Agency, “being the star,” or whatever – having these traits allow you to change the narrative […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Cthulhu Mythos Spells, Part II
So here are some more Ritual Path Magic Mythos-flavored spells – enjoy. More Mythos Spells Here are a couple more Mythos spells for use in other campaigns, see here for more information on designing Mythos spells. If yo’d like to read more, head on over to my Patreon and become a patron yourself!
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