So, I’m a pretty simple guy. I like having a routine. I like having the same breakfast every morning (red wheat, one slice of toast with strawberry jam, half a banana, and one cup of coffee with 2 packets of splenda and creme). The reason I bring this up is that my girlfriend and best […]
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Boil and Bubble: Spell Kits for Casters – the Defender
In a previous post, I talked about various “wizardly” archetypes and how you might create them using RPM. I’ve already done this for the Gatemaker and the Necromancer, but what’s next? Well, I’ve been watching a lot of Agents of S.H.E.L.D. and shields defend…so hey! Defender. That’s the ticket. I described the Defender archetype as… “The […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic Skill Levels
Anders sent me a PM the other day and asked a pretty simple question: What do skill levels mean for Ritual Path magic casters? You’ve got your shiny copy of GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic and you’ve just bought GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters…but now what? You’ve got your skill level description from p. 12 […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Castlevania Battle Cross
So Jpomena asked over on the forums what Castlevania’s Battle Cross might look like in GURPS terms. That’s a excellent question and one I decided to run with. Castlevania has a special place in my heart for many reasons and it’s by far one of my favorite video game series and I’ve played most of […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasy Musings
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is by far the most successful of the various lines for for the GURPS game engine. Up until a few weeks ago I didn’t run it as one of my constant campaigns – in fact I only use it for playtest games that require it or the occasional one shot. All of that changed […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Other Trained by a Master Advantages
Nothing helps build a character concept like the hint of some kind of secret or special training. In GURPS this can go be done in several ways, by taking high skills, having high attributes, or by taking advantages. The chief among these in the Basic Set are Gunslinger, Trained by a Master, or Weapon Master. […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Playing Child Characters
Being a grown-up is overrated. You got bills and responsibilities and maybe kids of your own. Basically, it’s a pain and people always look at your funny when you throw up all over your shirt. GURPS has a wonderful and simple method for taking a character from childhood all the way to adulthood. Inspired by […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Occult Emergency Kits
So my best friend likes to randomly send me links to imgur (it’s his latest obsession) and sometimes I retweet them or put them on my Facebook account. Most of them are damn funny and he knows me well enough to know what I find amusing. Last night though, he sent me this link to […]
Continue readingGURPS101: High Archetypes as Advantages
As I’ve probably said before, some of my best ideas bloom at the dinner table after game sessions. My players are all relaxed and the urgency to do something to further the plot is gone. Their bellies are full (or getting there) and their minds are still a whir with the events of the session. That’s […]
Continue readingGURPS101: I Got All the Heals
Been a lot of chatter about the Healing advantage on the forums lately and I always seem to end up in the discussion so I thought I might expound on this a bit on my blog. So…Healing…how does it break down? Healing as Pieces Parts So what does Healing do and how does it […]
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