Triple Threat: Mountain Oni

Mountain Oni are corporeal demons who wear tiger skins and wield Tetsubos. They’re very strong. For Any Game…ST: 20             HP: 20            Speed: 7.00DX: 14            Will: 13           Move: 10IQ: 10             Per: 13            Weight: 1,000 lbs.HT: 14            FP: 12             SM: +1Dodge: 10       Parry: 11        DR:  4 (Tough Skin; 2 […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Frakking Unusual Backgrounds, how do they work?!

No. Seriously. How do they work? There have been numerous threads about the subject, and it came up again recently. So I’m going to give my take on it. Unusual Background is a highly customizable, variable trait. It’s highly customizable because it’s not meant for players, it’s meant for GMs. When a GM designs his […]

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Triple Threat: Fluttermouth

 [The following creature is  from a nightmare I had. Enjoy.] A strange creature the fluttermouth begins life as a large fungal bloom the size of a basketball and continue this way until encountering a living being at which point they eject huge numbers of spores. Once they’ve infested a living being they grow until they […]

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Triple Threat: Ghoul

Ghouls look exactly human beings, except their faces, which are vaguely jackal-like. Their skin has an odd rubbery look to it, and their feet are half-hooved in the front. Their teeth and fingernails are pointed and obviously made for tearing flesh. Additionally, their eyes glow a reddish hue in the dark (much like a snakes). […]

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