The new Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic has been out for a bit. Since its release there has been a flurry of activity on the Steve Jackson Games Forums regarding it. As PK’s officially unofficial deputy on ritual path magic, I’ve made it my job to answer as many of these questions as fast as I […]
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The Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 7
July 3rd 2000, Monday 2:10 pm Undisclosed Island in Michigan Lake It takes the eggheads another couple of hours to finish the necessary mathematical equations to get the XDG to spit out the final location of the last crystal shard. Once that’s done the Dead Men make their way back to the R&D floor, gear […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Mountain Oni
Mountain Oni are corporeal demons who wear tiger skins and wield Tetsubos. They’re very strong. For Any Game…ST: 20 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00DX: 14 Will: 13 Move: 10IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 1,000 lbs.HT: 14 FP: 12 SM: +1Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 4 (Tough Skin; 2 […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Frakking Unusual Backgrounds, how do they work?!
No. Seriously. How do they work? There have been numerous threads about the subject, and it came up again recently. So I’m going to give my take on it. Unusual Background is a highly customizable, variable trait. It’s highly customizable because it’s not meant for players, it’s meant for GMs. When a GM designs his […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Animated Scarecrow
There is nothing so iconic, innocuous, or fear inspiring as the scarecrow. Sometimes called a “hay-man,” which doesn’t really do anything to assuage the fear of onlookers, it is one of the words oldest symbols. There are dozens of types from all around the world, and most cultures have tales of the creatures that come […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Fluttermouth
[The following creature is from a nightmare I had. Enjoy.] A strange creature the fluttermouth begins life as a large fungal bloom the size of a basketball and continue this way until encountering a living being at which point they eject huge numbers of spores. Once they’ve infested a living being they grow until they […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 6
July 3rd 2000, Monday2:00 amUndisclosed Island in Michigan Lake Despite the increasing difficulty of the mathematics involved to plot a course using the XDG, and the PCs involvement with solving them, the next gateway opens a mere four hours later. Once open they can see that it leads to a swampy, desolate place that both […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: My Writing Process
On the forums, Kalzazz asked about a comment I made on another thread: Recently, I did an interview with a bunch of other authors about Steve Jackson Games’ Pyramid Magazine. Although one was late to the party (Matt Riggsby). I had a fantastic time. Even though one of the questions that Doug sent my way […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Ghoul
Ghouls look exactly human beings, except their faces, which are vaguely jackal-like. Their skin has an odd rubbery look to it, and their feet are half-hooved in the front. Their teeth and fingernails are pointed and obviously made for tearing flesh. Additionally, their eyes glow a reddish hue in the dark (much like a snakes). […]
Continue readingThe Night-Dimmed Day – Part II – Game Session 5
July 3rd 2000, Monday6:00 pmUndisclosed Island in Michigan Lake The PCs get to rest for a couple of hours while the scientists work out the next series of equations, but once they’re finished they get marshaled back up to the Saucer (the main room of the XDG) to find the next piece of the skull. […]
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