Mountain Oni are corporeal demons who wear tiger skins and wield Tetsubos. They’re very strong.
For Any Game…
ST: 20 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 13 Move: 10
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 1,000 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 4 (Tough Skin; 2 of this is from a Tiger’s Pelt)
Bite (16): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1.
Claw (16): 2d+1 cutting; Reach C, 1.
Horns (16): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Tetsubo (18): 2d+4 crushing or 3d+12 crushing; Reach 1-3.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Alternate Form (Human; Cosmetic); Bloodlust (12); Bully (12); Callous; Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Terrain Adaptation (Mountain); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weapon Bond (Tetsubo).
Skills: Brawling-16; Climbing-14; Two-Handed Axe/Mace-16; Wrestling-14.
Notes: None. Carries a Fine Balanced Weighted Tetsubo for a SM +1 creature. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Mountain Oni have a modifier of -2.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 20 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 13 Move: 10
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 1,000 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 6 (Tough Skin; 2 of this is from a Tiger’s Pelt)
Bite (16): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1.
Claw (16): 2d+1 cutting; Reach C, 1.
Horns (16): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Tetsubo (18): 2d+4 crushing or 3d+12 crushing; Reach 1-3.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Alternate Form (Human; Cosmetic); Bloodlust (12); Bully (12); Callous; Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Terrain Adaptation (Mountain); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weapon Bond (Tetsubo).
Skills: Brawling-16; Climbing-14; Two-Handed Axe/Mace-16; Wrestling-14.
Classification: Demon.
Notes: None. Carries a Fine Balanced Weighted Tetsubo for a SM +1 creature.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 20 HP: 20 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 13 Move: 10
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 1,000 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 9 (Tough Skin; 2 of this is from a Tiger’s Pelt)
Fright Check: -2.
Bite (18): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1.
Claw (18): 2d+1 cutting; Reach C, 1.
Furious Blow (14): 2d+8 crushing or 3d+24 crushing; Reach 1-3. Made as an Deceptive All-Out Attack (Strong) with Mighty Blows (-3 to defend against). Costs 1 FP.
Horns (18): 2d+1 impaling; Reach C, 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Tetsubo (14): 2d+4 crushing or 3d+12 crushing; Reach 1-3. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-3 to defend against).
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Alternate Form (Human; Cosmetic); Bloodlust (12); Bully (12); Callous; Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Focused Fury; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood)); Social Stigma (Monster); Terrain Adaptation (Mountain); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weapon Bond (Tetsubo).
Skills: Brawling-18; Climbing-14; Two-Handed Axe/Mace-18; Wrestling-16.
Notes: None. Carries a Fine Balanced Weighted Tetsubo for a SM +1 creature. Roll 1d-2 times on the Demonic Variety table (Monster Hunters 3, p. 19). Use the skills listed under Demonic in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Two oni is a fair fight for one champion.
The DF and Monster Hunters versions seem a little weak. The Void Brute in DFM1 does 4d+2 with a one handed club for example.
I think I'll adjust the MH version to two oni per champion. DF doesn't really have a challenge system like MH.