Triple Threat: Wolpertinger

The wolpertinger takes the form of a small mammal (rabbits and squirrels are typical) with additional morphological features from other animals such as wings, antlers (or other forms of horns), tails, or fangs. Wolpertinger are for the most part harmless; they live in woodlands and eat plants (though legends persist of a carnivorous variety that eats only meat…). While they can bite or even claw at any attackers, they have a special means of defending themselves. When threatened, a wolpertinger will turn around and balance itself on its front paws. It will then use specialized muscles in its sphincter to defecate a binary compound of its own feces and a special liquid that ignites when exposed to air. This burning mixture clings to the target’s skin continuing to burn until it’s scraped off – though the smell lingers for a lot longer than that. Finally, if they are able to they prefer to use one of their tunnels (wolpertinger have huge underground warrens) to escape. If further threatened they can open up a tunnel to another world to escape their pursuers. The typical description of a wolpertinger is that of a horned rabbit or winged squirrel, but many other variations are possible. Many adventurers and travelers refer to wolpertingers as “hoppy shit machines.”

For Any Game…
ST: 4               HP: 4                          Speed: 6.00
DX: 14            Will: 10                      Move: 10/15
IQ: 4               Per: 12                        Weight: 7 lbs.
HT: 10            FP: 10                         SM: -3
Dodge: 11       Parry: N/A                 DR: 0

Bite (14): 1d-7 crushing. Reach C.
Claw (14): 1d-3 crushing. Reach C.
“Breath” Weapon* (14): 1 point of burning damage with a cyclic effect (six 10-second cycles). Range 5/10; no range penalties. In addition to the damage, the target must make an immediate HT roll or begin retching (p. B429) for 5 seconds times their margin of failure. Treat any bonuses to Smell rolls as a penalty instead; those with No Sense of Smell/Taste are immune to this effect. The target also suffers from the Bad Smell disadvantage until he cleans himself up (this takes at least an hour and requires lots of soap, new clothing, disinfectant, etc.); this effect occurs regardless of any penetrating damage. The wolpertinger must have his back facing his target to use this attack and spend 1 FP.

Traits:  Appearance (Beautiful/Handsome; Impressive); Blunt Claws; Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Dodge 2; Fur; Jumper (World; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Emergencies Only; Faster Concentration 5; Improved; Reliable 10; Special Portal, through own dug tunnels; Tunnel); Night Vision 6; Parabolic Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Pitiable; Quadruped; Restricted Diet (Herbivore); Super Jump 1 (27yard combat jump)†; Tunneling (Move 5); Ultrahearing; Weak Bite; Wild Animal.
Skills:  Innate Attack (Breath)-14; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Woodlands)-12; Swimming-10.
Notes: One race despite looking like different animals. Rumors persist of a more powerful intelligent version of the wolpertinger, sometimes referred to as the Jackalope. Jackalope’s use the above stats with the following modifications: IQ 10, Will 16, Per 16, and Striker (Horns). If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) wolpertinger have a modifier of +3.
* The wolpertinger does not suffer penalties for attacking targets behind them for this specific attack.
† This is for a combat jump; outside of combat double this value.

For Dungeon Fantasy
ST: 6               HP: 6                          Speed: 6.00
DX: 14            Will: 10                      Move: 10/15
IQ: 4               Per: 12                        Weight: 7 lbs.
HT: 10            FP: 10                         SM: -3
Dodge: 11       Parry: N/A                 DR: 0

Bite (14): 1d-6 crushing. Reach C.
Claw (14): 1d-2 crushing. Reach C.
“Breath” Weapon* (14): 1 point of burning damage with a cyclic effect (six 10-second cycles). Range 5/10; no range penalties. In addition to the damage, the target must make an immediate HT roll or begin retching (p. B429) for 5 seconds times their margin of failure. Treat any bonuses to Smell rolls as a penalty instead; those with No Sense of Smell/Taste are immune to this effect.  The target also suffers from the Bad Smell disadvantage until he cleans himself up (this takes at least an hour and requires lots of soap, new clothing, disinfectant, etc.); this effect occurs regardless of any penetrating damage. The wolpertinger must have his back facing his target to use this attack and spend 1 FP.
Traits:  Appearance (Beautiful/Handsome; Impressive); Blunt Claws; Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Dodge 2; Fur; Jumper (World; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Emergencies Only; Faster Concentration 5; Improved; Reliable 10; Special Portal, through own dug tunnels; Tunnel); Night Vision 6; Parabolic Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Pitiable; Quadruped; Restricted Diet (Herbivore); Super Jump 1 (27yard combat jump)†; Tunneling (Move 5); Ultrahearing; Weak Bite; Wild Animal.
Skills:  Innate Attack (Breath)-14; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Woodlands)-12; Swimming-10.
Classification: Dire Animal.
Notes: One race despite looking like different animals. Rumors persist of a more powerful intelligent version of the wolpertinger, sometimes referred to as the Jackalope. Jackalope’s use the above stats with the following modifications: IQ 10, Will 16, Per 16, and Striker (Horns),
* The wolpertinger does not suffer penalties for attacking targets behind them for this specific attack.
† This is for a combat jump; outside of combat double this value.

For Monster Hunters
ST: 6               HP: 8                          Speed: 6.00
DX: 14            Will: 10                      Move: 10/15
IQ: 4               Per: 12                        Weight: 7 lbs.
HT: 12            FP: 12                         SM: -3
Dodge: 11      Parry: 10 (Brawling)    DR: 0

Fright Check: +3

Bite (14): 1d crushing. Reach C.
Claw (14): 1d-3 crushing. Reach C.
“Breath” Weapon* (14): 1 point of burning damage with a cyclic effect (six 10-second cycles). Range 5/10; no range penalties. In addition to the damage, the target must make an immediate HT roll or begin retching (p. B429) for 5 seconds times their margin of failure. Treat any bonuses to Smell rolls as a penalty instead; those with No Sense of Smell/Taste are immune to this effect.  The target also suffers from the Bad Smell disadvantage until he cleans himself up (this takes at least an hour and requires lots of soap, new clothing, disinfectant, etc.); this effect occurs regardless of any penetrating damage. The wolpertinger must have his back facing his target to use this attack and spend 1 FP.

Traits:  Appearance (Beautiful/Handsome; Impressive); Blunt Claws; Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Dodge 2; Fur; Jumper (World; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Emergencies Only; Faster Concentration 5; Improved; Reliable 10; Special Portal, through own dug tunnels; Tunnel); Night Vision 6; Parabolic Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Pitiable; Quadruped; Restricted Diet (Herbivore); Striking ST+9 (Bite only); Super Jump 1 (27yard combat jump)†; Tunneling (Move 5); Ultrahearing; Wild Animal.
Skills:  Brawling-14; Innate Attack (Breath)-14; Jumping-14; Stealth-14; Survival (Woodlands)-12; Swimming-10.
Notes: One race despite looking like different animals. Rumors persist of a more powerful intelligent version of the wolpertinger, sometimes referred to as the Jackalope. Jackalope’s use the above stats with the following modifications: IQ 10, Will 16, Per 16, and Striker (Horns). Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16); they’re a form of magical mutant. One champion should be able to handle a dozen wolpertinger.
* The wolpertinger does not suffer penalties for attacking targets behind them for this specific attack.
† This is for a combat jump; outside of combat double this value.

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