Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part II

I’m continuing my “conversion” of the Diablo II Necromancer’s skills. Next up: Curses! Curses Most of the spells and abilities listed here involve weakening your target’s body and mind. Amplify Damage and is not here because my version of that actually made it into GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic (p. 35). Dim Vision Spell Effects: […]

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Casting Lots – Part I – Game Session 3

Angelique Ashur, Jonathan Valerius Baksheesh, Maynard “Alex” Hamilton, & Sergei Romanova June, 18th, 2001, 3:00 pm 41 Hours Since Kidnapping 510 South Bolingbrook Dr., Bolingbrook, IL 60440 The PCs finish a fine meal of beer-battered French fries, micro-brewed ales, and chicken from the Hole in the Wall diner while they figure out there next move. […]

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Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part I

Before I write anything else, let me first say that recreating spellcasting classes from the Diablo series is probably best down as powers (in fact, I’d probably use PK’s Sorcerous Empowerment article). That said, ritual path magic can work quite well too! A few quick notes. First, in the Diabloverse, it’s probably wise to put […]

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Casting Lots – Part I – Game Session 2

Angelique Ashur, Jonathan Valerius Baksheesh, & Sergei Romanova June, 18th, 2001, 11:30 am 36.5 Hours Since Kidnapping 5841 S Maryland Ave., Chicago, IL ‎60637 Angelique has Rebecca taken to the University of Chicago Hospitals (her old place of employment before becoming part of Victor’s Sleep Disorders Institute Staff) to be examined. She has both Jonathan […]

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Triple Threat: Jiangshi

The so-called “hopping corpse” of Chinese legend, it has near-glowing green-white hair, long fingernails, and glowing green eyes. In the day it sleeps in a coffin or hides in a dark place like a cave, attic, basement, etc. At night it hunts its territory finding human beings whose “chi” it devours. For Any Game… ST: […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: How Tough Is It?

Because GURPS is a point-buy system, figuring out what constitutes as a “tough” opponent can be difficult. Not only difficult, it can be downright arcane. There are situations where a 500-point character can have barely any impact on a combat (lots of social and mental advantages), and a 100-pointer absolutely dominates it (purely combat-oriented advantages). […]

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